School Capital Construction

Legislative work in School Capital Construction is divided into two separate areas:  The first area of work focuses on school CapCon needs to be addressed under current law predating the July 1, 2002 date set by the Supreme Court in its February 23, 2001 decision..  This area involves School CapCon projects considered and conditionally approved by the 2001 Legislature under 2001 Session Laws, Chapter 139, Section 205 as well as any additional School CapCon projects addressing needs prior to July 1, 2002, and presented to the 2002 Legislature.  This effort is under jurisdiction of the Joint Appropriations Committee.

The second area of legislative work addresses the February 23, 2001, Supreme Court Decision pertaining to School Capital Construction and is under the jurisdiction of the Select Committee on School Capital Construction.  Funding issues pertaining to post July 1, 2002, School CapCon needs will be addressed by the Select Capital Financing & Investments Committee and the Joint Revenue Interim Committee.

Study Area 1 Study Area 2

2001 Laws, Chapter 139, Section 205, Footnote 6, funds school CapCon projects in Fremont County School District No. 38, Johnson County School District No. 1, Natrona County School District No. 1 and Washakie County School District No. 1, conditioned upon completion of project review and analysis by independent professional expertise, consideration of independent review and analysis by the Joint Appropriations Committee, and consideration of subsequent Committee recommendations by the 2002 Legislature.  2001 Laws, Chapter 139, Footnote 7, conditionally funds school CapCon projects in Fremont County School District No. 1 subject to completion of professional review and analysis of funded projects by December 1, 2001, and expenditure authorization of the Joint Appropriations Committee following consideration of project review and analysis.

The Joint Appropriations Committee will also address any subsequent School Capital Construction needs arising prior to the July 1, 2002, date established by the February 23 Court decision.

The School Capital Construction Select Committee is established under 2001 Laws, Chapter 60, and is statutorily charged with responding to the February 23, 2001, Supreme Court decision, as well as reviewing the entire School Capital Construction program established by law and revising the established process for considering, reviewing and recommending School Capital Construction projects.
Joint Appropriations Committee Members
Meeting Notices
Capital Construction Members
Meeting Notices
Bill Drafts

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