Joint Education Interim Committee


Room 130                                                                                                                                  June 18 & 19, 2002

Watt Agriculture Building                                                                                                            Sheridan, Wyoming



PRESENT:Senator Irene Devin, Cochairman;


Senators Charles K. Scott, Keith Goodenough and Kathryn Sessions;


Representatives Tom Lockhart, Del McOmie, David Miller, Jim “Bubba” Shivler and Marlene J. Simmons;


Absent Members:   Senator Peck and Representatives McGraw, Robinson, Samuelson and CoChair Stafford.


            Legislative Service Office: Mary Byrnes, Dave Nelson, & D. Jason Raymond.


Others Present: See attached Appendix A.


AGENDA:Please see attached Appendix B.


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Tuesday, June 18, 2002


Senator Irene Devin, Interim Committee Cochairman, called the Committee to order at 1:00 p.m. on June 18th, 2002.


NOTE:  Please reference the transcripts for all motions and verbatim discussion of all education issues referenced herein.  The transcripts are on file with the Legislative Service Office under Appendix D attached to this report.


Review of 2002 interim studies


Mr. Nelson reviewed the 2002 interim studies and updated the committee on all progress made (See Appendix C).  At the request of Senator Scott, the contract of the expert doing the staff compensation study was submitted to the JEC for review (See Appendix K).


Data facilitation Report


Dick Gross, Consensus Council, presented his final report from the Data Forum (see Appendix E).  Mr. Gross reviewed the events of the facilitation meetings.   He presented how the facilitation group refined their discussion to seven issues.  Beginning from these seven issues, the facilitation group developed objectives to resolve them, and then potential strategies to achieve those objectives.  Mr. Gross then reviewed other issues raised during the facilitation, and participants’ comments on the process.


Mr. Gross then passed along seven requests from the data facilitation group.  JEC discussed the data facilitation group’s requests and heard additional testimony from district superintendents and staff from the Wyoming State Department of Education.  In particular, testimony was heard on using computer technology efficiently to report assessment data.


Representative Simons moved that the JEC endorse the facilitated process and continue it, and expand its scope to include developing the criteria for a system to collect financial data, general student data, and standards assessment data currently required from the school districts. Representative McOmie seconded the motion, and it passed without a dissenting vote.


Senator Scott moved that JEC develop a specific proposal to begin facilitative processes to address all other outstanding issues, primarily issues involved with the MAP model.  Representative McOmie seconded.  Senator Scott amended his motion to have drafting recommendations on the new processes ready by the next JEC meeting, including discussions for mediating litigation issues.  After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.




Larry Biggio, Unit Director, Finance & Personnel Unit, State Department of Education, addressed the JEC on progress made on implementing the MAP model, progress on the small school study, issues that have arisen on the hold harmless provisions, and payment on the kindergarten error.


Implementing the MAP model

Mr. Biggio detailed MAP training that has been provided as well as other efforts to provide model information to the school districts.  He reviewed how the State Department developed the WDE 100, the computer system the department uses to estimate revenues, entitlements, and recapture payments, and is integrating it to the MAP model.  By September 2002, the State Department expects to do more detailed training on the MAP model and WDE 100 with the districts.  The Department is also working with the districts currently to develop the criteria of the classified salary adjustment and may have recommendations on implementation to offer the JEC by the end of this summer.


Small schools

Mr. Biggio reported on the Department’s efforts to collect accurate data on small schools.  Mr. Biggio envisions that this will be a year long study once the criteria for small school data are resolved.


The other small school issue pertained to the definitions in the small school adjustment.  Having been charged by the legislature to develop these definitions, the state superintendent approached the data advisory committee for input.  As the definitions were being worked on, members of the committee suggested changes to the definitions and other aspects of the small school adjustment.  Mr. Biggio requested the JEC authorize the Department to clarify committee study  parameters.  The Committee directed the group continue its efforts directed at definition development and exploring school level data development.


Hold harmless

As the State Deparment began to calculate hold harmless for the districts, a dispute arose over whether a dollar amount or a process was sufficient.  An Attorney General’s opinion was requested, and it stated that districts should be held harmless to a dollar amount.  That is to say, hold harmless computations should use foundation program amounts made available to districts during school year 2001-2002, which include actual costs of special ed and transportation for school year 2000-2001. The State Department intends to implement hold harmless in accordance with that opinion.


Kindergarten error payment

The State Department has calculated the total kindergarten error payment to be $13 million dollars, and payments will begin around June 27, 2002. As the payments were being prepared, the State Department was unsure if those payments would be counted as local revenues measured for the recapture and cash reserve statutory provisions.  An Attorney General’s opinion was negative, so kindergarten error payments will not act to reduce any of the revenues available to the school districts.



The Committee was recessed at 4:00 pm.



Wednesday, June 19, 2002


Senator Irene Devin, Interim Committee Cochairman, reconvened the Committee at 8:40am.


Vocational education study update

Terry Wigert, Director, Vocational Technical Education, Wyoming State Department of Education, reported on the progress the department has made on the vocational education study.  State Department has hired MPR Associates to conduct the study.  Ms. Wigert reviewed the study’s criteria.


Special education study update

Rebecca Walk, Director, Special Education, State Department, introduced the American Institute of Research, who is conducting the Special Education study.  Dr. Tom Parrish of AIR presented an overview of the study to the JEC.


Further discussion of hold harmless

Mr. Timothy Kirven, attorney for a coalition of small school districts, testified on the issue of whether hold harmless should be a fixed dollar amount or a process.  JEC discussed the fiscal issues facing the small districts.


Federal Education Initiatives: Update

Scott Marion, Director of Assessment and Accountability, State Department, provided a detailed explanation of the funds that are available from the Federal Government through the No Child Left Behind Act, as well as the standards, assessment, and reward and sanction requirements that must be followed once federal funds are accepted.  After discussion, JEC requested the State Deparment of Education to begin a discussion with stakeholders about the new federal law, and gather their suggestions.


Staff compensation study contract

JEC discussed the scope of the review contemplated in the contract for the expert who would be commissioned to do the staff compensation study. Discussion centered on whether the current guidance provided in the contract to the expert was adequate, and whether methods existed to acquaint him with the concerns and issues of some constituencies.  After some discussion about having either a public meeting or request written input from interested districts, Rep. McOmie moved that the contract be amended to include receiving a written form of additional input; that the solicitation for that information would be made from the JEC; and that the expert would consider all information so received.  Rep. Miller seconded.  After further discussion and clarification, the motion passed.  Senator Scott moved that the contractor/expert submit a more detailed work plan to the Committee Cochairs for their review and approval.  Senator Goodenough seconded.  The motion passed.


The meeting adjourned at 5:47pm


Respectfully submitted,



____________________________                _________________________________

Senator Irene Devin,                                          Representative Bill Stafford,

Committee CoChair                                           Committee CoChair

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