Joint Education Committee Meeting Summary (November 20-21, 2002)

The Joint Education Interim Committee met in Casper to begin assembling legislative recommendations on assigned school finance issues.  The Committee forwarded draft legislation for consideration at the December meeting that provides for a cost-based adjustment within the MAP school funding model for special education.  Following review of findings and recommendations contained within a final study report on the regional cost of living adjustment within the MAP school funding model, the Committee forwarded draft legislation implementing an interim adjustment mechanism for estimating regional cost differences in addition to the Wyoming cost of living index.  The Committee forwarded draft legislation implementing a cost-based adjustment for vocational education within the MAP school funding model. 


The Committee forwarded draft legislation implementing continued study of the at-risk adjustment proxies contained within the cost-based model, together with a proposal to initiate a limited assistance program for district summer school intervention and remediation.  The establishment of a cost-based adjustment within the MAP school funding model for reading assessment/intervention programs in early grades will likely continue into the next interim, due to data and other issues and the fact that funding is available through the biennium under the existing categorical program.  The Committee also agreed to forward several legislative measures implementing recommendations of the School Data Facilitation Forum, which address school data issues.  Finally, several proposals were forwarded by the Committee that address federal requirements under the No Child Left Behind Act.

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