S.F. No. 0140

Emergency response commission.


Sponsored By:                              Senate Transportation and Highways Committee


AN ACT relating to the administration of government; creating a homeland security commission; providing for a homeland security officer; providing for public safety communications systems; transferring oversight and control of the emergency management agency; creating a hazardous materials emergency response program; providing procedures for response to the release of hazardous materials as specified; establishing the hazardous material emergency response account; providing for liability; providing for mediation; providing definitions; conforming provisions; repealing conflicting provisions; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.


1/28/2003         Bill Number Assigned

1/29/2003         S Received for Introduction

1/29/2003         S Introduced and Referred to S08

1/29/2003         S Rereferred to S02

1/30/2003         S Rereferred to S08


2/4/2003          S08 Motion to Lay Back without prejudice


Roll Call


Ayes: Senator(s) Barton, Caller, Erb, Geis, Vasey

Ayes: 5     Nays: 0     Excused: 0     Absent: 0     Conflicts 0




2/6/2003          Died in Committee