Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings

Management Council

March 4, 2003

Room 302 Capitol Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Meeting Attendance (Present)


Council  Members

Representative Fred Parady, Chairman

Senator April Brimmer Kunz, Vice Chairman

Representative Randall Luthi, Secretary


Senator Irene Devin

Senator Keith Goodenough

Senator Rae Lynn Job

Senator Grant Larson

Senator Jayne Mockler

Senator John Schiffer


Representative Pete Anderson

Representative Chris Boswell

Representative Tom Lockhart

Representative Wayne Reese



Legislative Service Office

Dan J. Pauli, Director; Mark Quiner, Assistant Director.


Meeting Attendance (Absent)


Council  Members



Written Meeting Materials and Handouts

All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office (LSO), public officials, lobbyists, and the public are referenced in the Meeting Materials Index, attached to the minutes. These materials are on file at the LSO and are part of the official record of the meeting. 


Call To Order

Speaker Parady called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.  The following sections summarize the Council proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Attachment 1 to review the Council meeting agenda and meeting materials.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the January 28, 2003 Management Council meeting were approved with no amendments.


Interim Committee Study Assignments

The Council reviewed proposed joint interim committee study assignments submitted by each interim committee (See Attachment 1 pages 1 through 22).


1. Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

Senator Hanes and Representative Simpson explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 1 and 2).


Representative Luthi noted several committees had requested the study of surface damages from mineral development.


Following discussion, Representative Luthi moved that the topics be approved as submitted, but that the committee invite the chairmen of the Minerals and Agriculture committees when meetings are held on the issue of surface damages.  The motion passed.


2. Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

Senator Schiffer explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 page 3). Following discussion, Senator Devin moved that the topics be approved as submitted.  The motion passed.


3. Joint Revenue Interim Committee

Senator Peck and Representative Cohee explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 4 - 6).


Following discussion, Senator Kunz moved that the topics be approved as submitted with the change that the word "relief" be deleted from the first topic, and that the second topic on the county's right to appeal be combined with the third topic on mineral valuation.  The motion passed.


Representative Reese moved that the phrase "agricultural land" be added to the first topic.  The motion passed.


Representative Boswell moved that the phrase "natural gas valuation" be deleted from the committee's study topics.  The motion failed.


4. Joint Education Interim Committee

Senator Coe and Representative Wasserburger explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 7 and 8).


Representative Luthi moved that the topics be approved as submitted with the addition of the following language to the first topic:  "The joint committee shall evaluate and take testimony concerning the Wyoming Education Coalition proposed funding model in accordance with the supreme court ruling in Campbell County v. State of Wyoming."  The motion passed.


Senator Kunz stated that the testimony taken by the committee is to be determined by the committee cochairmen.  Committee staff is not to be made available to the proponents to help develop or evaluate the coalition model, and the burden is to be placed upon the coalition to present any cause for use of model information.


5. Joint Agriculture, Public Lands & Water Resources Interim Committee

Senator Geis and Representative Hageman explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 9 and 10).


Senator Larson moved that the first priority study on surface damages to land be deleted since that topic was earlier assigned to the Judiciary committee, but authorized the chairmen or their designees to attend Judiciary committee meetings held on the topic.  The motion passed.


Representative Boswell moved the fourth priority study on the consumptive use of wildlife be undertaken by a joint subcommittee of the Agriculture and the Travel committees with a subsequent report to be made to the Agriculture committee.  The motion passed.


Following discussion, Representative Luthi moved that the proposed topics be approved as amended.  The motion passed.


6. Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

Senator Roberts and Representative Baker explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 11 and 12).


Senator Schiffer moved that topic 1(c) on page 11 regarding preference points be removed.  The motion failed.


Senator Schiffer moved that the phrase "required by this year's budget bill" be removed from topic 2(a) regarding the master plan for state parks.  The motion passed.


Representative Luthi moved that the proposed topics be approved as amended.  The motion passed.


7. Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

Senator Meier and Representative Ross explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 13 through 15).


Senator Devin moved that the phrase "alternative funding sources" be replaced with "bonding related issues" in topic 2(b).  The motion passed.


Following discussion, Representative Luthi moved that the topics be approved as submitted.  The motion passed.


8. Joint Transportation and Highways Interim Committee

Senator Barton and Representative Wayne Johnson explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 16 and 17).


Senator Devin moved that the phrase "graduated driver's license for minors" be removed from the committee's study topics under topic 2(b).  The motion passed.


Representative Luthi moved that the phrase "requiring registration with the selective service before being able to obtain a driver's license" be removed from the study topics.  The motion passed.


Representative Anderson moved the topics be approved as amended.  The motion passed.


9. Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Opportunities Interim Committee

Senator Hawks and Representative Law explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 18 and 19).  Senator Hawks added the word "proposed" to the renewable energy topic regarding compliance with the Clean Air Act.


Representative Anderson moved that the topic of surface owner damages be removed since it was assigned earlier to the Judiciary committee.  The motion passed.


Following discussion, Representative Lockart moved the topics be approved as amended.  The motion passed.


10. Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

Senator Scott and Representative Osborn explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 1 pages 20 and 21).


Senator Job expressed interest in having the first topic regarding funding developmental disabilities programs go to the Management Audit Committee.


Following discussion, Senator Kunz moved that the first topic be removed from the committee's topics and that the remaining topics be approved.  The motion passed.


Joint Tribal Relations

Senator Peck explained the committee's proposed interim topics (Attachment 2). Following discussion, Senator Kunz moved that the topics be approved as submitted.  The motion passed.


Select Technology Committee

Representative Osborn explained there is a need for a couple of meetings for the committee to work on technology issues.


Joint Committee Interim Work - Miscellaneous


1. Senator Schiffer moved approval of the proposed budget for interim committee work (Attachment 1 page 22) subject to the Council's earlier agreement to reduce the budget for the Joint Transportation and Highways Committee to $20,000.  Senator Larson moved to amend the motion as follows:  reduce the Select Committee on Technology budget to $2500; reduce the Select Committee on Legislative Process to $2500; and reduce the Select Committee on Legislative Facilities to $1500.  The motion as amended passed.


2.  Senator Kunz stated that she hopes the Management Council will meet around the state in various locations since it is important for the citizens to see the legislative branch in action and to have opportunity to become involved.


3. Senator Kunz stated that in her opinion it is important for Wyoming legislators to interact with their counterparts in other states and indicated that she, along with Chairman Parady, will be encouraging those appointed to committees of various national organizations such as CSG and NCSL to attend meetings of those organizations to the extent the legislative budget permits.


4.  Chairman Parady stated the Council will probably meet next in May and indicated the possibility of a joint meeting with the Tribes in Riverton in mid-summer.




There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Representative Randall Luthi



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