Select Committee on Legislative Facilities

Committee Meeting Information

June 30, 2005

Room 302 State Capitol

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Representative Pete Illoway, Chairman

Senator Jayne Mockler, Chairman

Senator John Hanes

Senator Tony Ross

Representative Burke Jackson

Representative Layton Morgan


Committee Members Absent


Legislative Service Office Staff

Dan J. Pauli, Director

Mark Quiner, Assistant Director

Wendy K. Madsen, Legislative Information Officer

Steve Sommers, Budget and Fiscal Section Manager

Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.



Call To Order

Chairman Illoway called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.  Chairman Illoway noted that he has been named as the House Co-Chairman and that Senator Mockler will be serving as the Senate Co-Chairman. 


Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the May 2004 meeting were approved without changes. 


Wyoming Public Television Proposal

Mr. Dan Schiedel, manager of Wyoming Public Television (WPTV), briefed the Committee on a concept to explore options for WPTV to provide gavel-to-gavel televised coverage of the Wyoming Legislature during sessions as a public service.  He noted that many states provide this service to the public and such programming would be similar to a C-Span style of coverage.  He explained that with the station’s conversion to digital programming, a number of digital channels will be available to provide such programming.  He noted that he has approached legislative leadership and understands that a decision to provide such programming would need to be approved by Management Council.  Mr. Schiedel stated that he wanted to meet with the Select Committee on Legislative Facilities to discuss the need for changes to Senate and House audio and video capabilities, if such a service were to be approved. 


The Committee inquired as to the equipment and physical requirements to provide gavel-to-gavel programming.  The Committee discussed the various issues related to such programming including, whether the coverage would be provided live or pre-taped, whether video coverage could be “streamed” over the Internet, timing of the project and timing of building restoration, and costs to implement gavel-to-gavel coverage.  The Committee encouraged WPTV to develop cost estimates and to provide additional details about the proposal for Management Council’s consideration.  Chairman Illoway also invited Mr. Schiedel to address the Committee again when more information is available about the physical requirements of providing gavel-to-gavel coverage. 


Restoration of legislator composite gilded frames

Ms. Madsen explained that the restoration of damaged legislator composite photograph frames is nearing completion. Dry Creek Gold Leaf, from Denver, is in the process of completing the restoration of the remaining 15 composites.  She explained that approximately $15,000 will be remaining from the appropriation and the State Museum recommends using the remaining funds to replace some of the backings on the composites that are not acid-free and to repair the deteriorating 1977 House composite.  Senator Mockler moved to use the remaining funds to replace the composite backings and to repair the 1977 photograph.  The motion carried unanimously. 


Refinishing of historic benches

Senator Mockler updated the Committee on the status of the bench restoration work.  The project went out to bid in late 2004 and she explained that there was a large variation in the cost estimates for each of the three bids received.  She noted that, depending on the level of restoration work desired, the existing appropriation may not be adequate to fix all of the benches.  Senator Hanes moved that the Committee proceed with the restoration of as many benches as possible with the existing appropriation consistent with good restoration processes.  The motion failed.  The Committee discussed options for proceeding.  Mr. Doug Cook, of the Department of Administration and Information’s (A&I) General Services Division, suggested rebidding the work and rewriting the bid to further refine the scope of work requested.  The Committee directed staff to work with the General Services Division to write a second  bid to narrow the scope of work and to ensure that issues related to the structural integrity of the benches is addressed.  The Committee requested the bidders who bid on the second proposal attend the Committee’s next meeting to explain their proposals.  The Committee also requested that the bid include a price for each bench to be restored.  Mr. Cook suggested scheduling a bid walkthrough with interested bidders. 


Committee room door signage

Senator Mockler provided the Committee with background information on the appropriation for providing signage for committee rooms.  The Legislature appropriated money to update signage for Committee rooms to reduce the number of documents taped to committee doors and walls outside of legislative committee rooms.  She explained that, at the last meeting, the Committee reviewed the design of committee signs in the Montana Legislature and agreed to a similar design for Wyoming’s signs.  The Committee questioned if the current appropriation is sufficient to provide new signage for all of the Committee rooms.  Senator Mockler explained that the Committee will need to complete as many signs as possible with the existing appropriation and may need to request additional appropriations to fund the project in stages and may also look at additional signage for other portions of the Capitol in the future.  The Committee requested staff work with Mr. Cook to develop an RFP based on the Montana Legislature’s sign design and to complete the RFP process in time for the next meeting. 


Remodeling of chamber front desks and work stations

Senator Mockler provided background information on the need to restore the front desks in the House and Senate chamber and to accommodate the equipment needs of the chief clerks, without detracting from the historic integrity of the pieces.  Representative Illoway requested that the chief clerks attend the Committee’s next meeting to explain the changes they would like to make to the front desks.  He directed LSO staff to work with the chief clerks to begin to develop a proposal for the work needed. 


Artwork Security System

Mr. Marc Thayer, Vice President of Corporate Protective Services (CPS), addressed the committee regarding the cost estimate that CPS provided to increase the security on artwork in the Senate and House Chambers.  He noted that the cost estimate provided last year for the system is still accurate.   Senator Mockler suggested beginning the project by securing artwork in the Chambers and on the second and third floor and the evaluate expansion of the system over time.  Senator Mockler moved to purchase the security solution provided by CPS and for staff to work with other relevant agencies, including the State Museum and the Capitol Security staff, to write protocols regarding the administration of the system.  The motion carried unanimously.  The Committee directed LSO staff to work with CPS to install the system. 


Study options for opening skylights

Senator Mockler provide the Committee with background information on the skylight issue, noting that the Legislature tasked this Committee with studying options for opening the skylights in the House and Senate Chambers to sunlight.  She explained that A&I prepared an estimate to restore natural sunlight in the House and Senate Chambers.  The Committee requested that Ms. Jo Haley, of TDSi, briefly review the existing report and provide an opinion on the need for additional study and an initial assessment regarding whether there are more affordable options to open the skylights.  Senator Mockler reported that TDSi agreed with the assessment in the original report and expressed concerns regarding structural problems that could develop if natural sunlight were restored to the stained glass.  TDSi recommends an evaluation of museum-quality artificial light to replicate the feeling of natural sunlight.  The Committee requested that LSO staff work with A&I to develop an RFP to study artificial lighting options. 


Update on remodel/reconfiguration of desks/space use in JAC

Mr. Steve Sommers provided the Committee with an update on plans for the renovation of the Joint Appropriations Committee (JAC) in Room 204.  He explained that the JAC, working with A&I staff, has approved a design for renovation of this space and is proceeding with renovation in advance of budget hearings in December.  The Committee raised several concerns about the project, including the role of the Committee in remodeling projects within legislative space in the Capitol.  The Committee noted that it was not consulted on the development of the plans for renovation of Room 204 and voiced concerns over the precedent this project may set for future renovation. 


Committee members expressed concerns that the proposed design does not effectively use the available space and is not significantly different from the existing configuration.  The Committee also questioned if the design provides adequate and appropriate seating for members of the public.  The Committee agreed that all committee room renovations should strive to increase the amount of space available for the public to attend meetings and public seating should be consistent in each committee room.  The Committee directed staff to draft a letter to Management Council outlining the Committee’s concerns and to recommend that the Legislature engage the services of a professional space planner before proceeding with the renovation to ensure the best utilization of the space available in Room 204. 


Update on status of recarpeting/repainting project in basement

Ms. Madsen provided an update for the Committee on the scheduled repainting and recarpeting of LSO office space in the East wing of the basement.  She explained that the Legislature provided an appropriation for this work in the 2005 General Session and that LSO staff is working with A&I to complete this project in the fall.


Development of a memorial artwork donation policy

Senator Mockler explained the rationale for the need for a memorial artwork donation policy.  She noted that such a policy would provide procedures for the Legislature to accept donations of artwork in honor of, or in memory of, former legislators.  She explained that such a policy is needed to give the Legislature flexibility regarding the acceptance and use of memorial donations.  Senator Ross recommended exploring the possibility of using the Capitol Preservation 501(c)(3) foundation for donations, so that donors could receive a tax deduction.  Senator Mockler will work with staff to develop a draft policy for the Committee’s review at its next meeting.  Representative Illoway requested staff provide additional information about the Foundation for the next meeting, including the articles of incorporation. 


Decision about placement of legislator composites

Ms. Madsen explained that the Committee may wish to reconsider the locations where the newly regilded composites are hung within the Senate and House.  She noted that wall space is at a premium in the House and Senate and the Committee may need to consider other options for hanging composites throughout the Capitol, especially those with expensive frames.  Senator Mockler recommended hanging the composites in the central portions of the second and third floor of the Capitol that were originally designated for artwork.  Representative Illoway requested staff develop a key of where the composites are located after the relocation project is completed.  Senator Hanes requested a cross-index of each legislator by year.  Senator Hanes moved to proceed with the relocation of some of the more valuable composites to the central portions of the building.  The motion carried.  Senator Mockler will work with staff and Capitol Tour Guide, Judy Sargeant, to relocate the composites. 


Review of microphone sound system in Room 302

Representative Illoway noted that the mobile microphone system purchased for Room 302 is unwieldy.  He recommended that the Committee explore options for purchasing a system that would allow the speakers to be hung in the room, rather than mounted on tripods.  He also noted that the session staff need more instruction regarding how to operate the microphone system.  Senator Mockler noted that other systems would require wiring in the walls or a substantial expense for a wireless system.  The Committee discussed the possibilities of alternatives to the existing mobile system, but took no additional action. 


Review of decision to purchase table skirts for Room 302

Ms. Madsen provided information regarding options and costs to purchase modesty panels for the tables in Room 302.  Senator Ross moved for LSO staff to purchase the table skirts out of available LSO funds.  The motion carried. 


Repair and replacement of miscellaneous furnishings

Senator Mockler explained that the Committee considered using the funds available in the miscellaneous furnishings appropriation to update the audience seating in committee rooms and to replace coat racks outside of Room 204 and Room 302 with historic reproduction wooden racks.  She explained that stackable chairs will be the most affordable option to place in committee rooms for audience seating.  She recommended the Committee select one color to be used in all committee rooms for consistency and to allow chairs to be used interchangeably.  The Committee agreed that providing adequate and comfortable audience seating is a priority.  Senator Mockler also explained that the Committee should consider requesting an appropriation to replace the chairs of committee members.   Representative Illoway directed staff to determine the total number of audience chairs needed for each committee room and to begin to purchase black stackable chairs, as funds are available. 


Design and purchase of historic coat racks

Senator Mockler updated the Committee on the project to purchase reproduction historic wooden coat racks for the House, and outside of Rooms 302 and 204.  The Committee requested LSO staff work with Eggli Brothers on potential designs and costs for the coat racks for consideration at the next meeting. 


Review request to purchase new chairs for committees

Senator Mockler presented options for replacing committee member chairs in all committee rooms.  She noted that the existing chairs are too large for the rooms.  Representative Illoway requested that she work with LSO staff to determine the number and types of chairs needed and provide a cost estimate for replacement at the committee’s next meeting. 


Redesign, stocking, staffing of Medical Aid Station

Ms. Wendy Curran, Executive Director of the Wyoming Medical Society, explained concerns over staffing and stocking the Medical Aid Station during legislative sessions.  She explained that the Wyoming Medical Society (WMS) and the Wyoming Hospital Association (WHA) have provided this service through the years to the Wyoming Legislature.  The organizations find medical professionals to volunteer to staff the station daily during session.  Ms. Curran noted that there have been some misunderstandings about the role and expectations of the volunteers staffing the Aid Station in providing healthcare to legislators and staff during session.  She noted that this is a very limited service and is not available to meet general or emergency healthcare needs of legislators and staff.  She also explained that much of the equipment in the Station is outdated and it is becoming increasingly difficult to supply the Station.  She noted that the Station should be reconfigured to provide additional privacy for examinations. 


The Committee discussed options for staffing and stocking the Medical Aid Station and agreed that the volunteer service provided by the WMS and WHA is useful and that the organizations should not be expected to pay for equipment and supplies to stock the Station.  Mr. Pauli explained that the LSO could request an appropriation to cover the costs of equipment and supplies as part of the costs of administering the legislative sessions.  He requested that Ms. Curran provide LSO with an estimated budget for equipment and supplies.   Ms. Curran volunteered to continue the provision and coordination of supplies for the Station, if the funding is provided by the Legislature.  The Committee directed LSO staff to include an appropriation in the legislative feed bill to cover the costs of equipment and supplies. 


Review and potential remediation of fire drill deficiencies

Representative Illoway summarized the recommendations the Cheyenne Fire Marshall provided after the fire drill held during the legislative session.  Representative Illoway recommended that the Committee evaluate the deficiencies noted and recommended the Legislature hold an annual fire drill.  Senator Mockler moved to recommend to Management Council that a fire drill be held annually during legislative sessions.  The motion carried.  Representative Illoway requested that staff invite Joe Moore, director of the Homeland Security Office, to address the Committee at its next meeting regarding the deficiencies identified in the fire drill and regarding agency responsibilities for coordinating such events.  Senator Ross inquired as to inspections of the Capitol fire escapes.  Mr. Cook responded that his division is evaluating building issues identified in the drill.  Representative Illoway recommended that A&I bring these issues to the attention of the State Building Commission. 


Necessity of white boards in committee rooms to track bill status

Senator Hanes explained that several committees use white boards to track the status of bills in committee rooms.  He noted that many of the boards are deteriorating and he inquired as to whether there were other alternatives to track bill status.  Representative Ross recommended LSO staff survey chairmen to find out if the committees want to even use this system in the future and whether there are alternatives. 


Oversight of thorough Chamber cleaning

Senator Mockler explained that the Committee may wish to consider requesting an appropriation for a specialized cleaning and oiling of the Chambers to clean areas that the janitorial staff cannot access in their day-to-day cleaning. 


Governor’s portraits

Senator Mockler explained that there are still two governor’s portraits in State Museum storage and she suggested that they be displayed in Room 302.  Representative Illoway noted that the practice of painting a governor’s portrait has ceased and he would like to look into the possibility of continuing the tradition. 


Selection of paint and stenciling for LSO Office

Senator Mockler explained that the LSO Main Office was scheduled to be remodeled a few years ago, but the work was delayed pending decisions about the restoration of the building.  She noted that the plan included re-stenciling the walls to bring the room to its original state.  Senator Mockler moved to proceed with plans to remodel the LSO Main Office.  The motion carried.  Mr. Pauli explained that although the Management Council authorized the remodel a few years ago, the action will need the Council’s approval again and he will need to determine if there are sufficient funds available within LSO’s budget to proceed.  The Committee recommended requesting funds for the project if additional money is needed. 

Future Projects for Committee Consideration

Senator Mockler explained that there are a number of long-term projects the Committee may wish to consider at future meetings, including:  replacing the privacy glass in Capitol interior doors with Stimpson photograph screens, adding stained glass above the east and west staircases leading to the second floor, restoring the transoms above doors, replacement of blinds and curtains, framing of building evacuation signs, and purchasing reproduction historic waste receptacles. 


Long-Term Building-Wide Planning

Representative Illoway noted that a number of issues that the Committee would like to address need to be coordinated with decisions regarding the renovation of the entire Capitol.  He requested that the Committee meet in the fall with the legislative members of the Task Force on Capitol Facilities to discuss the long-term vision for the Capitol. 


Other business

Representative Jackson noted that there do not appear to be any security cameras in the Herschler Building garage and he questioned who has access to the parking structure.  Senator Mockler suggested that Mr. Moore provide an update on security within the Capitol at the next meeting. 


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Illoway adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Representative Pete Illoway, Chairman

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