T E N T A T I V E   A G E N D A

Joint Revenue Interim Committee

August 30 & 31, 2005

Natrona County Agriculture Building

Mills & Evansville Rooms

2011 Fairgrounds Road

Casper, Wyoming




Tuesday, August 30, 2005


8:30 am            Call to order


8:35 am            Valuation methodology of producer-processed natural gas

                        Department of Revenue

                        Industry representatives

                        Sales tax exemption-oil and gas well, 06LSO-0090.W1


10:00 am          Break


10:15 am          Four-lane highway – funding

                        Department of Transportation, Transportation Commission

                        Interested parties

                        Multi-lane highways-fuel tax increase, 06LSO-0092.W1


Noon               Lunch


1:30 pm            Streamlined sales tax update

                        Department of Revenue

                        Legislative representative


Public comment


Wednesday, August 31, 2005


8:30 am            Call to order


8:35 am            Private equity funding

                        Cynthia Lummis, State Treasurer

                        Interested parties

                        Private equity investments, 06LSO-0091.W2


10:00 am          Other approved topics as assigned by Management Council


Public comment                                               

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