Committee Meeting Information

December 7, 2006

Room 302, Capitol Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Senator John Schiffer, Co-chairman

Representative Colin Simpson, Co-chairman

Senator Pat Aullman

Senator Wayne Johnson

Senator Tony Ross

Representative Jerry Iekel

Representative Doug Osborn

Representative Jane Warren


Committee Members Absent

Senator Rae Lynn Job

Senator Ken Decaria

Representative Keith Gingery

Representative Patrick Goggles


Legislative Service Office Staff

John Rivera, Senior Staff Attorney

Joy N. Hill, Associate Research Analyst


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.


Call To Order ()

Chairman Schiffer called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.



Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the September 25, 2006 Committee meeting were approved.  Chairman Schiffer introduced Ms. Anna Edwards, with the National Association of the Mentally Ill.



07LSO-0235.W1  Involuntary Hospitalization Proceedings

Chairman Schiffer explained the bill.

After discussion and public testimony on the bill, Representative Simpson moved, seconded by Senator Johnson, for Committee sponsorship of the bill as a House Bill.  After consideration of proposed amendments to the bill, the motion carried on a vote of 8 ayes, no nays, with 4 excused.  Senators Aullman, Johnson, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Iekel, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voted aye. Senators Decaria and Job and Representatives Gingery and Goggles were excused.

The following amendments to the bill were adopted:



07LSO-0268.W4 Department of Health Client Information Sharing

Chairman Schiffer and Representative Simpson explained the bill. 

After discussion and public testimony on the bill, Representative Simpson moved, seconded by Representative Iekel, for Committee sponsorship of the bill as a House Bill.  After consideration of proposed amendments to the bill, the motion carried on a vote of 8 ayes, no nays, with 4 excused.  Senators Aullman, Johnson, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Iekel, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voted aye. Senators Decaria and Job and Representatives Gingery and Goggles were excused.

The following amendments to the bill were adopted:



07LSO-0290.W2 Department of Health – Provider contract restrictions

Chairman Schiffer explained the bill.


After discussion and public testimony on the bill, Representative Simpson moved, seconded by Representative Iekel, for Committee sponsorship of the bill as a House Bill.  After consideration of proposed amendments to the bill, the motion carried on a vote of 8 ayes, no nays, with 4 excused.  Senators Aullman, Johnson, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Iekel, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voted aye. Senators Decaria and Job and Representatives Gingery and Goggles were excused.

The following amendments to the bill were adopted:



07LSO-0279.W2 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Appropriations

Chairman Schiffer explained the bill. 

After discussion and public testimony on the bill, Representative Simpson moved, seconded by Representative Iekel, for Committee sponsorship of the bill as a Senate File. After consideration of proposed amendments to the bill, Chairman Schiffer advised that the final vote on the bill would be conducted by mail ballot because of the complexity of the amendments that remained to be drafted in accordance with Committee directions.  Representative Simpson directed staff to provide, along with the revised bill to be voted upon by mail ballot, all documentation that was available and used as the basis for the appropriations contained in the bill because some members of the Committee did not have copies of that documentation.

The following amendments to the bill were adopted:



Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Schiffer adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,





Senator John Schiffer, Cochairman                             Representative Colin Simpson, Cochairman

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