Committee Meeting Information

November 16, 2006

UW Outreach Building (951 N Poplar)

Casper, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Representative Elaine Harvey, Chair

Senator Mike Massie

Representative Rosie Berger

Representative John Hastert


Committee Members Absent

Senator Hank Coe, Vice Chairman

Senator John Hines

Representative Bruce Barnard



Legislative Service Office Staff

Gerald W. Laska, Staff Attorney

Don Richards, Senior Research Analyst


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.


Executive Summary

The Select Committee on Developmental Programs met during the morning of November 16th in Casper, Wyoming.  The Committee heard a report on a potential master facilities study by the Wyoming Department of Health.  The Committee approved four pieces of draft legislation relating to:  emergency services for persons with developmental disabilities; preschool funding; early childhood mental health; and an extension of the Committee's authorization.  The Committee also requested one additional draft to be voted on by postcard ballot relating to the technical definition of community boards and funding match requirements.  The Committee also approved a letter to be sent to the Governor and Joint Appropriations Committee regarding budget recommendations and priorities of proposals not included in the Committee's proposed bills.


Call To Order

Chair Harvey called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee meeting agenda.  To begin the meeting, Chair Harvey added three items to the end of the agenda:  the statutory 10 percent match for community services (07LSO-0137.W1, Department of health purchased services.); recommendations for appropriations to the Joint Appropriations Committee and the Governor’s Office; and a discussion of a regional cost adjustment for providers.


Approval of Minutes

Senator Massie moved for approval of the minutes from the September 26th, 2006 Select Committee meeting.  The motion was seconded and carried with no members objecting.


WDH Discussion of WSTS and Facilities Assessment.

Dr. Brent Sherard, Director, Wyoming Department of Health and Leland Clabots, Deputy Director of Administration, Wyoming Department of Health, addressed the Committee regarding a master facility plan for the institutions of the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH).  Dr. Sherard stressed the importance of integrating services of the WDH and other state agencies with respect to facilities.  He also provided the Committee a copy of recent memorandum from WDH to the Governor describing the details of the Department's proposed Master Facilities Plan.  (See Appendix 3 for a copy of the memo.) 

Dr. Sherard noted that a master facility plan should consider programmatic issues, facilities, and geographic and economic conditions in the state.  Dr. Sherard suggested any study should be led by the Department of Administration and Information, and reminded the Committee that 2006 HB 91 includes a strategic plan for the State Hospital.  That study would be completed by next year at the cost of approximately $150,000.  Dr. Sherard recommended that a statewide facilities study would cost at least $750,000, and he offered the recent $100,000 bio-security lab review as a model.  Responding to questions, Dr. Sherard and Mr. Clabots indicated that such a study might take 12 to 15 months and be completed by the end of this biennium.  Dr. Sherard added that the study might consider partnerships with private industry to utilize resources more effectively and include a five to ten year assessment to improve efficiency and the delivery of services.  Mr. Clabots noted the study might also address the best use of facilities, what unmet needs exist, and how to best address them. 


With respect to funding the study, Dr. Sherard indicated that, using the bio-security study as an example, the Legislature could prepare a bill, including an appropriation.  The Committee discussed whether an individual would be approached to carry that legislation.


07LSO-0135.W2, Developmental disabilities-emergency services.

Brenda Oswald, Governor’s Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, testified in support of the legislation.

Ruth Sommers, Regional Service Providers (RSPs), testified in favor of the bill, viewing it as an opportunity to address long-term concerns. 


Cliff Mikesell, Administrator, Developmental Disabilities Division, WDH, discussed the types of situations where emergency cases have arisen in the past.  He also discussed waiver services that can be matched by federal Medicaid funds and noted the emergency fund would provide for a “buffer” to address emergency cases and provide services in a more immediate manner.

Representative Berger moved 07LSO-0135.W2.  (See Appendix 4.)  The motion was seconded.  Representative Hastert  moved an amendment to insert the words “and the joint labor health and social services interim committee” on page 2, line 21 after the word "committee".  Representative Hastert's motion was seconded, and it  passed.  A roll call vote was taken on the bill, and it passed unanimously to be introduced as a Senate File.


07LSO-0218.W1, Developmental preschool funding.

Kathleen Orton, Wyoming Child Development Services (CDS) spoke in favor of the bill.  She also noted that the per child amount provided by federal funds has been diminished since the amounts have not increased and the child counts have.


Cliff Mikesell, WDH, indicated the WDH supported the increase in funding.  Responding to questions of the Committee, Mr. Mikesell noted that $110,000 related to WDH administration was eliminated from the prior legislation enhancing preschool funding.  He explained that funding would be used to hire contractors to prepare reports for the Legislature and additional FTE would not be necessary.

Representative Hastert moved the bill (07LSO-0218.W1).  (See Appendix 5.)  The motion was seconded.  Senator Massie moved to amend page 2, line 7 by adding the following language:  “There is appropriated $110,000 from the General Fund to the WDH to complete the legislative reports required in [insert Session Law citation].  The Department may retain a contractor to assist with the completion of the reports.”  He directed LSO staff to insert the appropriate citation.  The amendment was seconded, and it passed.


A roll call vote was taken on the bill, and it passed, with Senator Massie declaring a conflict.  The Committee directed LSO staff to assign the bill a House bill number.


Later in the meeting, Representative Berger moved to reconsider this draft and add an appropriation at the end of the bill in the amount of  $3,930,000 from the General Fund to WDH.  She clarified that her amendment should be inserted as a separate paragraph from the appropriation of $110,000 to be used by WDH for administrative purposes.  The amendment was seconded and it passed.


07LSO-0220.W1, Early childhood mental health.

Kathleen Orton, CDS, expressed a concern with the reference to “professional mental health” services on page 2, line 9 of the draft legislation.  She suggested that the language could obligate preschool centers to use preschool funding for mental health services.  She indicated that under the current language the Legislature could provide a K-12 education external cost adjustment and early childhood centers would not immediately benefit from enhanced funding.


Cliff Mikesell, WDH, agreed with the previously stated concern regarding professional mental health services.


Clark Burden, service provider, spoke in support of the legislation.


Representative Hastert moved the bill (07LSO-0220.W1).  (See Appendix 6.)  The bill was seconded.  Senator Massie moved a printed amendment to add language to W.S. 21-2-706 (d).  (See Appendix 7 for a printed copy of the amendment.)  He also moved to delete the first four words in paragraph (d)(i), specifically,  “professional mental health or” within the text of his prepared amendment.  The motion was seconded and the amendment passed. 


Senator Massie moved to insert an appropriation on page 2, after line 13, from the General Fund to the WDH from in the amount of $1,099,890.  He noted to the Committee that this appropriation would be a placeholder to be amended during the Session after the child counts due on December 1, 2006 have been compiled.  He clarified that his amendment was an effort to reflect the actual amount needed from the General Fund. The motion was seconded and the amendment passed.


A roll call vote was taken on the bill, as a Senate File.  It passed with Senator Massie declaring a conflict.


07LSO-0219.W1, Select committee on developmental programs.

Ruth Sommers, RSPs, commended the Committee’s efforts and spoke in support of the legislation.


Cliff Mikesell, WDH, requested that the words “feasibility study on the” be added at the beginning of the sentence on page 2, line 11, since implementation would not be completed by October 1, 2007.


Senator Massie moved the bill, and it was seconded.  (See Appendix 8.)  Senator Massie moved to insert the words "A feasibility study on the" after "(ii)"  and insert "a cost-based" after the word "of" on line 11, page 2.  The amendment was seconded, and it passed.


Senator Massie noted the need for a technical correction on page 3, line 9 - "2006" should read "2007".  He also moved to change “October” to “December”  on page 2, line 5.  Senator Massie's amendment was seconded, and it passed.


Chair Harvey moved to insert “, and a master plan for developmental disabilities programs, including projections for future planning.” on page 3, line 3.  She further moved to delete "and" after "program" and insert "," on page 3, line 1.  The amendment was seconded, and it passed.  The Committee directed LSO staff to make any necessary technical, grammatical, or conforming changes.


The bill passed on a roll call vote to be initiated as a House Bill.


07LSO-0137.W1, Department of health purchased services.

Kevin Malm, Developmental Disabilities Division, Wyoming Department of Health, reported to the Committee that the Attorney General’s Office was contacted by him during the week and they reported that no decision had been made regarding the Department's request as to whether the 10 percent community match applied to developmental preschool centers.


Chair Harvey formally added 07LSO-0137.W1 to the agenda.  The bill was read aloud by Don Richards, LSO, and provided to the Committee for review.  (See Appendix 9 for a copy of the draft legislation.)

Representative Berger moved the bill, and it was seconded.  The Committee discussed alternative language and the motion failed on a roll call vote.


The Committee then directed LSO staff to prepare an additional bill that would amend the definition of "community board" by eliminating preschool service providers.  Jerry Laska, LSO, indicated that he would prepared the bill and poll the Committee by postcard ballot.


Recommendations to JAC and the Governor

Senator Massie moved to forward a letter prepared by staff to the Governor and JAC regarding budget recommendations.  (See Appendix 10.)  The motion was seconded and the Committee adopted the language without objection.


Regional Cost Adjustment for Providers

Kevin Malm, WDH, described an analysis he prepared at the request of Chair Harvey that would provide a regional cost adjustment for individual budget amounts (IBAs) in high cost counties.  (See Appendix 11.)  The Committee discussed the results of the estimates. 


Ruth Sommers, RSPs, indicated that the providers have looked at this issue for some time.  She commended the Legislature's historical support of salary increases in the past.  She suggested that the regional cost adjustment may not address all of the need, and asked the Committee to consider an across the board increase for all IBAs to address funding deficiencies.  She indicated that she views this as a stop gap measure until a cost-based approach is developed.  Ms. Sommers noted that she had considered a variety of indices including average weekly wage, self sufficiency index, hedonic school index, and the Wyoming Cost of Living Index.


Shawn Griffin, Community Entry Services, noted that his business operates in Natrona, Teton, and Fremont county, and urged any increase not apply solely to wages.


Garry Freel, Big Horn Enterprises, noted that his organization does not operate in any of the high cost counties.  He stated his support for the regional cost adjustment, but added there are other underlying issues that remain unresolved.  He indicated that he would not like to see an across the board increase at the cost of the regional cost adjustment.


Responding to Committee questions, Mr. Malm noted that a one percent increase in all IBAs for all three waivers for one year is approximately $960,000.


Dr. Sherard, WDH, suggested the need to take a universal approach that would include increases for various WDH providers.


Darrel Skinner, Lincoln Alliance, indicated that his programs would not benefit from the regional cost adjustment as proposed.  He suggested that there are other costs such as fuel costs that need to be considered and that an IBA inflation increase would be received favorably. 


Kevin Malm discussed the progress of the contract study of provider reimbursements being conducted by Navigant.  He indicated that any changes resulting from the study would not be available until April 1, 2008.  He noted that regional cost of living differences are not being specifically reported in a cost survey, but the survey tool captures actual expenditures.  He noted subsequent adjustments would be need to account for vacant positions and crisis conditions because they would not be picked up in the expenditure survey.


Represented Berger suggested a 3 percent across the board increase in addition to the regional cost adjustment for impacted counties.  The Committee then discussed the priority of the recommendations made to JAC and the Governor.


Representative Hastert seconded Representative Berger's suggestion in the form of a motion.  The Committee then directed LSO staff to include this recommendation in the letter to the Governor and JAC previously approved; to include the priority: (1) out-of-home placement funding, (2) waiting list funding, and (3) regional cost of living and three percent across the board increases for FY08 within the text of the letter.  The Committee noted that the state funding should come from the $60 million Budget Reserve set-aside funding to the extent funds are available.  The motion was approved, with Senator Massie noting that these are not one-time costs and Representative Berger noting that the IBA increases serve as stop gap measures until a funding system informed by the Navigant study is implemented.

Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chair Harvey adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Representative Harvey, Chair


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