Council Meeting Information

November 17, 2006

Game and Fish Building

Casper, Wyoming


Council Members Present

Senator Grant Larson, Chairman

Representative Randall Luthi, Vice Chairman

Senator Jim Anderson

Senator John Hines

Senator Rae Lynn Job

Senator John Schiffer

Representative Roy Cohee

Representative Ross Diercks

Representative Tom Lockhart

Representative Wayne Reese

Representative Ann Robinson

Representative Colin Simpson


Council Members Absent

Senator Mike Massie


Legislative Service Office Staff

Dan J. Pauli, Director

Dave Gruver, Assistant Director

Wendy K. Madsen, Legislative Information Officer

Dave Nelson, School Finance Manager


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Council Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.

Executive Summary

The Management Council held a half-day meeting in Casper to consider issues related to administrative rule reviews, school litigation, committee issues, adoption of a session schedule, information about new legislator orientation, policies related to the intern and aide program, an update on the 2007 CSG-West Meeting, and practices regarding press releases. 


Call To Order

Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 1:50 p.m.  The following sections summarize the Council proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Council Meeting Agenda.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the June 2, 2006 Council meeting were approved without changes.


Administrative Rules          

Mr. Dave Gruver updated the Council on actions taken by the LSO to explain procedural issues relating to the rule review process to executive branch agencies.  He explained that LSO held a rules seminar in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Office and 172 individuals attended the seminar.  Mr. Gruver noted that a number of attendees commented that the seminar helped them understand the role of LSO and Management Council in the administrative rule process.  Senator Job requested the handouts that were provided at the seminar and Mr. Gruver offered to provide copies of the handouts to any member of Management Council.


Mr. Gruver explained that a Department of Environmental Quality rule related to emissions trading was placed on the non-consent list.  He explained that there were no substantive problems with the rule, but just a technical correction to bring to the attention of the Governor’s Office. Representative Luthi moved to approve LSO’s recommendation on the rule.  The motion carried. 


Appendix 2.1 lists the Council’s action on rules taken by mail ballot since the last meeting at which rules were considered. 


School Litigation - Update

Chairman Larson called the Council into executive session at 2:00 p.m. to consider issues related to school finance litigation.  The Council came back into open session at 3:15 p.m. 


Committee Issues


Request from Select Facilities Committee to assign electronic voting topic

Mr. Pauli explained the memo from the Select Committee on Legislative Facilities related to research on electronic voting requested by the Select Committee.  He explained that the Committee was forwarding research from the LSO research section to Council because the Committee recognized that their role was more appropriately related to the aesthetics of the building and not the policy issues related to electronic voting.  The Select Committee recommended that if the Council elected to pursue this issue, that the Process Committee review the policy issues involved in electronic voting, and then assign issues related to technology to the Select Committee on Legislative Technology, and involve the Facilities Committee regarding Chamber displays.  Senator Schiffer moved to table the issue until a future date.  The motion carried. 


Revenue Committee: Request to add study

Representative Anderson addressed the Council and explained that the Revenue Committee has been approached to address the issue of providing a discount for the direct payment of sales tax.  He noted that although this is a complicated issue and the Committee would need to develop an understanding of the subject to consider the topic, the Committee was not requesting an additional meeting, but permission to review the issue at the Committee’s next scheduled meeting.  Representative Luthi moved to approve the topic for Committee review at their next meeting.  The motion failed. 


Select Water Committee: Member Training

Representative Anderson requested that Council consider compensating Select Water Committee members to attend water workshops.  He noted that the issues related to water are getting more complicated and these workshops help the members understand the issues.  He recommended that members receive both salary and per diem for their attendance at the water workshops.  Mr. Pauli explained that traditionally Select Water Committee members have been paid salary only when the Committee gavels in at Committee meetings, but members have been provided per diem and mileage for attending water tours in advance of Committee meetings. 


Senator Larson asked if Council has historically authorized this type of reimbursement and if it is allowed in statute.  Mr. Pauli said that staff would need to check to determine if the Committee has been paid per diem and mileage to attend workshops in the past.  Mr. Pauli noted that this level of compensation would not be prohibited in statute, but that it has been the policy of Council to only pay salary during committee meetings.  Senator Job moved to pay salary to members of the Select Water Committee who attend the water workshops sponsored by the water Development Office.  The motion failed. 


The Council discussed that if compensation is approved for members of this committee to attend training, that other committees may request the same reimbursement and concerns were raised about how this will affect committee budgets.  Senator Schiffer recommended that the Council take a consistent approach to address the issue of optional training for committee members.  Senator Larson suggested that committee members could use their constituent service allowance for this purpose.  Representative Reese noted that this request is indicative of a much larger issue and the Legislature will need to address how much training individual legislators need each year to fully understand the issues.  Representative Robinson recommended that chairmen develop training requests as part of their requests for topics to study during the interim for review by Management Council.  Senator Hines noted that a study may be needed to look at the total cost and rationale related to outside legislator training needs.  Senator Larson recommended that, based on discussion, this is an issue that the new Management Council should evaluate in the future. 


Education Trust Funds

Mr. Gruver explained that the Council may wish to consider assigning issues regarding education trust funds related to the Hathaway scholarship program to either the Education Committee or the Capital Finance Committee to address outstanding issues related to investment of the funds.  (See Appendix 3).  The Council raised concerns that the Education Committee may have too many issues on its plate at its next meeting and referred the issue to the Select Committee on Capital Finance.  Representative Cohee recommended that the Select Committee hold a meeting in conjunction with the next Management Council meeting.


Mileage/per diem reimbursement for new committee members

Mr. Pauli explained that Representative Osborn has requested that the Council consider authorizing reimbursement for new committee members to attend meetings of the new committees to which they are assigned.  Mr. Pauli summarized the current policies regarding this issue, noting that new chairmen have been authorized compensation to attend the meetings in the past.  He explained that if Council wished to compensate new legislators for attending committee meetings, the LSO could reimburse them as a training expense in the same manner currently provided for new legislator orientation.  Mr. Pauli noted that there was $48,000 in the Management Council reserve budget that could be used to compensate individuals, if approved by Council.  Representative Luthi moved to approve travel and per diem for new members to attend legislative committee meetings for the committees to which they have been assigned and for returning members who have been assigned to new committees to receive mileage and per diem for their attendance at these meetings.  The motion carried.  Mr. Pauli noted that the LSO will send a memo to all new and returning members advising them that Council has authorized compensation in return for their attendance at these meetings. 


Policy on out-of-state travel

Mr. Pauli explained that Chairman Larson requested that the policy governing out-of-state travel be included on the Council’s agenda for discussion.  He explained that the out-of-state travel policy was changed in 2003 to allow members to attend two out-of-state meetings during the calendar year for organizations to which the Legislature belongs.  If members wish to attend additional out-of-state meetings they must first obtain approval from the presiding officer in their chamber.  Senator Larson noted that he has received many requests for additional travel by members beyond the two meetings.  He noted that the purpose of the policy was to encourage all members to gain knowledge from these training opportunities and not just to authorize a few members to attend many meetings on a first-come, first-serve basis.  However, he noted that if Wyoming wishes to have any presence in leadership roles in those national organizations and to impact policy decisions on committees, it does take more time and more travel and it may be necessary to authorize additional travel for members who take leadership roles in these organizations.  Representative Luthi agreed that approving additional requests is difficult, because he understands the value in attending meetings.


Representative Cohee requested that LSO create a form to trigger more deliberate consideration by committee chairmen when they are considering their budgets for all training, including out-of-state travel.  Senator Job recommended that the Legislative Process Committee review the professional development issues for all of the training needs that have been discussed during the meeting.  Senator Larson suggested that this recommendation be brought to the new Management Council and tabled the issue to be considered by the Council at a future meeting. 


Telephone conference call meetings

Representative Lockhart explained that he requested this issue be put on the Council’s agenda, to encourage committees and subcommittees to consider the option to hold meetings by telephone conference call, when appropriate. He noted that it saves state money and legislator time to hold meetings in this manner.  Senator Job recommended reminding committee chairmen to consider teleconference and videoconference options for future meetings. Mr. Pauli explained statutory requirements related to legislative compensation for short meetings and telephone conference calls.  He explained members may voluntarily forgo full reimbursement in these situations, but statute allows members to claim the full amount of compensation available under statute. 


Interim Committee work on assigned studies and staffing issues
The Chairman resolved the Council into executive session at 4:15 p.m. to consider personnel matters related to staffing committees.  The Committee came in to open session at 5:25 p.m.   


2007 Session Schedule

Mr. Pauli presented a tentative session schedule for the 2007 General Session (Appendix 4), which would provide for a 37-day session, reserving three additional days for the 2008 Budget Session.  He noted that the tentative schedule includes a one-day recess for President’s Day.  The Council approved the tentative schedule without changes at this time. 


New Legislator Orientation: Faculty/Agenda

Ms. Madsen summarized the sessions planned for the new member orientation sessions that will be held November 30-December 2, 2006 and January 4-6, 2007.  She noted that in the past, Management Council has approved the presiding officers, majority floor leaders, and minority floor leaders in each house, or their designees, to serve as legislative faculty for the orientation sessions.  She noted that other legislators are welcome to volunteer their services at the orientation, but only designated faculty have been compensated by the Council in the past for their time.  Ms. Madsen also explained that funds are budgeted to pay salary, per diem, and mileage for members of the legislative faculty and to pay per diem and mileage for legislators who may be asked to present at individual sessions.  Representative Luthi moved to approve the compensation for faculty to participate in the orientation session.  The motion carried.  The Council recommended that Ms. Madsen work with members of the legislative faculty to finalize the content and speakers for the sessions.  Ms. Madsen explained that Representative Illoway requested to present information about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) during the new legislator orientation.  The Council recommended that Representative Illoway provide this information during a break at the orientation. 


Legislative Interns and Aides: Program/Badges

Ms. Madsen distributed a draft policy for the consideration of the Council to clarify provisions of the existing legislative aide and intern program (Appendix 5.)  Ms. Madsen explained that the revisions were drafted in response to several issues that have arisen in the programs in the last several years.  She noted that the policy expands the existing college internship program to include high school students as an academic program rather than badging these students through the aide program.  She also explained that the new policy includes a provision for badging legislative guests under separate requirements from the aide program.  The revised policy clarifies supervision of individuals within the programs and provides guidelines related to badging of the individuals to allow limited access to restricted areas of the chambers.  She explained that under the policy a legislator can register a total of two aides, guests, or high school interns, with no limit on use of college interns.  Ms. Madsen clarified that the policy does not preclude members from having guests and assistants, but controls the numbers of individuals in restricted areas.  Senator Anderson moved to adopt the revised policy.  The motion carried. 




Advertising of available session rentals

Mr. Pauli explained that the LSO has received requests to send out information to legislators via e-mail about available rental properties in Cheyenne during legislative session and requested guidance on whether LSO should forward this information to members.  The Council agreed that LSO should not send this information to members, but could advise individuals to send it themselves by accessing legislator e-mail addresses on the legislative web site.  





Press Releases - Guidelines

Ms. Madsen explained that the LSO has used informal procedures over the past five years to handle releases, letters to the editor, and op-ed pieces that legislators may request and requested permission to work on a media policy noting these guidelines for consideration at a future Management Council meeting.  She outlined current practices, noting that the LSO applies three levels of review for individual members, committee chairs, committees, and leadership.  First, the LSO will not engage in any political media work, other than to distribute caucus announcements regarding committee assignments and leadership assignments.  LSO can provide some limited logistical services during the legislative session to set up press conferences.  Second, LSO provides very limited policy and position assistance related to media work depending on workload, including some limited assistance with research, crafting language, and providing advice for distribution.  The LSO will not distribute policy and position releases to the media.  Finally, the LSO will provide media services related to institutional promotion and participation in the legislative process.  The LSO will distribute these types of materials directly to the media. 


Update: 2007 CSG West Meeting – Jackson

Ms. Madsen provided a memo regarding progress on planning for the 2007 CSG-West Annual Meeting, which will be held in September 2007 in Jackson (Appendix 6).  Senator Larson noted that he will be appointing a legislative host committee to help plan the 2007 meeting.  He requested that staff develop a list of the responsibilities of the host committee that can be sent to all members to determine which legislators would like to assist with the event. 


Other Business

Senator Hines noted that some towns and cities have raised concerns regarding capital construction for schools related to sewer, roads, and electricity.  Senator Larson suggested that he bring the issue to the attention of the School Facilities Committee. 


Mr. Pauli explained that a legislator has requested to use the basement conference room one day a week for a non-denominational bible study during the upcoming session.  The Council raised concerns about whether it would set a precedent for any group to use legislative space in the future.  Representative Luthi moved to not approve the request due to space constraints.  The motion carried. 


Meeting Adjournment

The Council discussed holding a final meeting prior to the end of the year.  There being no further business, Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,




Senator Rae Lynn Job, Secretary

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