Committee Meeting Information

December 29, 2006

Video Conference Meeting

Cheyenne and Riverton, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Senator Robert Peck, Chairman

Representative Del McOmie, Vice-Chairman

Senator Cale Case

Senator Bill Vasey

Representative Frank Philp

Representative Patrick Goggles


Legislative Service Office Staff

Maxine Weaver, Staff Attorney


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.



Call To Order (Friday, December 29, 2006) 

Chairman Peck called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and asked the attendees to introduce themselves.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda. 


Senator Case moved to accept the March 2006 minutes.  Representative Goggles seconded the motion and the motion passed.


Executive Summary

The Committee voted to sponsor all three draft bills:  Tribal entities fundint-2, Indian school education programs and state-federal school partnerships.


Draft Legislation

Proposed Legislation – 07LSO-0382.L1 – Tribal entities funding-2.

Senator Vasey moved the draft bill [Appendix 3] seconded by Representative Goggles.


Comments from the public included:  Scott Harnsberger, Fremont County Treasurer, Doug Thompson, Fremont County Commissioner, Barbara Dickinson and  Louis Headley, Superintendent of Saint Stephens Indian School.


Following discussion and one amendment, the Committee voted 5 for and 1 against, to sponsor the bill.  Representative Philp voted against the bill.  The bill will be a Senate Joint Resolution [Appendix 4]. 


Proposed Legislation – 07LSO-0385.L1 – Indian school education programs.

Senator Case moved the draft bill [Appendix 5] seconded by Representative Philp. 


Comments from the public on both education bills included:  Joe Simpson, Deputy Superintendent and Mary Kay Hill, Director of Administration with the Department of Education, Judith Lorenz, Business Manager at Saint Stephens Indian School, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Harnsberger, Keja Whiteman and Joe Malek.


Following discussion with no amendments, the Committee voted 6 for and 0 against, to sponsor the bill.  [Appendix 6]. 


Proposed Legislation – 07LSO-0461.C1 – State-federal partnership schools.

Senator Case moved the draft bill [Appendix 7] seconded by Representative Goggles.  Following discussion and amendments, the Committee voted 6 for and 0 against, to sponsor the bill [Appendix 8]. 


Meeting Materials

Materials presented to LSO were sent to the Committee prior to the meeting [Appendices 9 through 13].


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Peck adjourned the meeting at 12:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Representative Del McOmie, Vice-Chairman

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