Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings


Management Audit Committee


June 15, 2007

Room 302 Capitol Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Meeting Attendance


Committee Members Present

Senator John Schiffer, Chairman

Representative Roy Cohee, Vice Chairman


Senator John Hastert

Senator John Hines

Senator Tony Ross

Senator Kathryn Sessions


Representative Marty Martin

Representative Lori Millin


Committee Members Absent

Representative Rosie Berger

Representative Pete Illoway

Representative Monte Olsen


Legislative Service Office

Barbara J. Rogers, Program Evaluation Manager; Kelley Pelissier, Senior Program Evaluator; Paula Gordinier, Lisa Jeremiah, Jim Reuss, and Karla Smith, Program Evaluators.


Others Present

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.



Written Meeting Materials and Handouts

All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office (LSO), public officials, lobbyists, and the public are referenced in the Meeting Materials Index, attached to the minutes.  These materials are on file at the LSO and are part of the official record of the meeting. 


Call To Order

Chairman Schiffer called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.


Approval of Minutes

Representative Martin moved to approve the minutes from the March 1, 2007 meeting.  Senator Ross seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


New Member Orientation

Chairman Schiffer requested that Ms. Rogers provide a brief overview of the program evaluation function.  She included history of  its development as an outgrowth of financial accounting, mentioning that approximately 45 states carry on this function, and she described some of the processes and protections involved. 


Executive Session

Per W.S. 28-8-107 (c), Chairman Schiffer resolved the Committee into Executive Session for consideration of a staff presentation on the draft report, Kid Care CHIP:  Wyoming’s State Children’s Health Insurance Program.  The Committee also discussed the report’s findings and recommendations with officials from the Department of Health. 


Open Session

Chairman Schiffer opened the meeting.  Senator Hines moved and Representative Martin seconded a motion to release the report Kid Care CHIP on Wednesday, June 20, 2007.  The motion carried unanimously.  


Chairman Schiffer asked if members wished to take action with regard to the report.  The Committee agreed that in addition to the regular follow-up that will take place in two-years, they would like to request that the Department of Health provide information for the Committee’s next meeting.  The Committee is specifically interested in what incentives the Department can create that will encourage families to take their children to the doctor for well-child visits.  Such visits, on the schedule developed by Kid Care CHIP, require no co-payment from the family and thus are free to them.  Senator Ross added he would like the Department to project how it will use any surplus funding it may have to cover both the cost of wellness efforts and the cost of data enhancements.  The Chairman said he and staff would draft a letter to the Department requesting that information.


Committee bills from 2007 Legislative Session.  Ms. Rogers reported that the previous Committee had sponsored two bills in the 2007 Session, both of which arose from recommendations from program evaluations.  Chapter 37 strengthened some of the authority of the State Employee Compensation Commission, and resulted from the July 2006 report on Market Pay.  Chapter 201 created a Drug Court Steering Committee, whose charge it is to make recommendations for a comprehensive state administrative structure.  This bill resulted from the July 2006 report on Drug Courts.


Follow-up reports.   Chairman Schiffer noted that several reports from 2005 are due to have a follow-up during 2007 to determine what progress the agencies have made on the recommendations in those reports.  They are:  Wyoming Business Council, from June 2005; Foster Care, from September 2005; and State-Level Education Governance, from December 2005.  The Chairman stated that the Management Audit Committee may meet in October or November for a short meeting to consider the follow-ups on Foster Care and State-Level Education Governance.  Because of a recent change in the position of director at the Business Council, the Chairman suggested that the Committee wait until the next meeting, sometime in August, to decide when to conduct the follow-up on the Wyoming Business Council.


Other Business

Scoping Papers.  Chairman Schiffer led the Committee in a discussion of topic ideas around  which staff will develop Scoping Papers, or background briefs.  Senator Sessions suggested a Scoping Paper on the Standards and Assessment Unit at the State Department of Education, focusing on the procedures surrounding development and implementation of PAWS testing.  Senator Hastert suggested a Scoping Paper on how the Department of Family Services carries out home studies and other actions affecting families in their work on Child Protective Services.  Ms. Rogers noted that this topic was last reviewed in 1999.  After considering several other ideas, Committee members requested Scoping Papers on the two issues described above, to be completed in time for discussion at the August meeting.


New topics.   The Committee discussed two potential topics:  WYDOT, and the Department of Health’s Office of Health Facilities.  Regarding a WYDOT topic, members questioned how recent General Fund appropriations have been allocated, and what the agency’s process has been  for determining which projects would be funded with state appropriations.  They also indicated interest in learning whether agency priorities may have changed with the infusion of the new funds.  Regarding an Office of Health Facilities topic, members stated there have been delays in the construction of local health care facilities, apparently due to rigorous requirements in state law coupled with under-staffing in the Office.  Representative Martin noted that there will soon be a public hearing on emergency rules for this function, and suggested waiting to take on this topic until the outcome of that meeting is known.  Senator Hastert moved to approve a study of WYDOT and General Fund Appropriations, with emphasis on the issues described above.  Senator Ross seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.


Chairman Schiffer said that at the next meeting, members will have another opportunity to consider new study topics.  He said the Committee will vote to adopt an additional study topic at that time.


Next meeting.  Chairman Schiffer announced that the next meeting will be held on Monday, August 27, in Cheyenne.  The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the report on the Wyoming Retirement System:  Public Employee Plan.


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Schiffer adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m. 


Respectfully submitted,





Senator John Schiffer, Chairman


Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Materials Index

Management Audit Committee


June15, 2007

Room 302, Capitol Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office (LSO), public officials, lobbyists, and the public are referenced in the Meeting Materials Index.  The table below provides a summary of the materials provided to the Committee.  These materials are on file at the LSO and are part of the official record of the meeting.  Please contact the LSO at 307-777-7881 to review these documents.



Appendix Topic

Appendix Description

Appendix Provided By


Attendance summary

Lists meeting attendees other than  legislators and staff



Committee Meeting Agenda

Provides a general outline of the topics the Committee planned to address at meeting




















































































Appendix 1


List of Attendees


Executive Session


Department of Health

            Dr. Brent Sherard, WDH Director and State Health Officer

            Lee Clabots, Deputy Director of Administration

            Ginny Mahoney, Chief of Staff

            Bob Peck, Chief Financial Officer

            Patricia Guzman, Manager, Kid Care CHIP

            Kellie Grady, Eligibility Unit Manager, Kid Care CHIP


            Open Session


            Representative Floyd Esquibel

            Chris Boswell, Chief of Staff, Governor’s Office

            Mary Flanderka, Substance Abuse Division, Department of Health

            Bob Kuchera, WPEA

            Randall Luthi, Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service



















Management Audit Committee

Friday, June 15, 2007

Room 302, Capitol Building




 9:00 a.m.                    Call to order

                                    Approval of minutes from March 1, 2007 meeting

                                    Orientation:  Program evaluation function

                                                Barbara Rogers, Program Evaluation Manager



9:30 a.m.                     Staff presentation of draft report on Kid Care CHIP

                                    Committee questions and discussion


 11:00 a.m.                  Break



 11:15 a.m.                  WDH officials meet with Committee

                                                Dr. Brent Sherard, WDH Director and State Health Officer

                                                Lee Clabots, Deputy Director of Administration

                                                Ginny Mahoney, Chief of Staff

                                                Bob Peck, Chief Financial Officer

                                                Patricia Guzman, Manager, Kid Care CHIP

                                                Kelley Grady, Eligibility Unit Manager, Kid Care CHIP

                                    Committee questions

                                    Agency officials depart

                                    Committee discussion



12:00 p.m.                   Committee votes on release of Kid Care CHIP report

Committee takes action related to release of report


Lunch Break



1:30 p.m.                     Committee bills enacted during 2007 Session

                                                Chapter 37  State Employee Compensation Commission

                                                Chapter 201  Drug Court Steering Committee

                                    Follow-ups scheduled for 2007

                                                Wyoming Business Council (June 2005)

                                                Foster Care (September 2005)

                                                State-Level Education Governance (December 2005)



1:45 p.m.                     Other business:

                                                Committee work session

Select new study topic

Assign scoping paper subjects

                                                Date and location of next meeting, to consider report

                                                            on Wyoming Retirement System



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