Joint Labor, Health and social services

interim committee


Cheyenne Senator Charles Scott and Representative Jack Landon, Cochairmen, of the Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee, have announced the Committee will meet:


September 15, 2008 8:30 a.m.

September 16, 2008 8:00 a.m.

Central Wyoming Counseling Center

1430 Wilkins Circle

Casper, Wyoming  82601




The purpose of the meeting is to review the state workers' compensation program and selected health topics, and the public smoking ban. (Tentative Agenda attached)


**The evening session (5:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) on September 15 pertaining to the smoking ban is for members of the general public who are not associated with a group that will be represented during the meeting the next morning. We hope to hear from individuals who represent themselves, a business, or a group that will not be able to attend the meeting scheduled the next morning.  Speakers may speak in favor or against the ban.  If you wish to testify during the evening session, please call and leave your name with LSO staff Jerry Laska or Joy Hill at 777-7881.**


Please direct questions about this meeting to Legislative Service Office Committee staff Gerald W. Laska.  Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Legislative Service Office at (307) 777-7881 for assistance. 


Individuals who plan to provide written information to the Committee during the meeting should bring sufficient copies of the information for members of the Committee, Committee staff, and interested members of the audience.  In addition, please provide an electronic copy of the materials to Committee staff at the meeting.  All materials provided to the Committee in written form will be part of the official record of the Committee’s meeting and will be on file at the Legislative Service Office.  Minutes of the meeting will be available on the legislative Web site at


– End –


                  cc: Members of the Committee:

            Senators: Scott, Chairman, Aullman, Fecht, Hastert and Landen

Representatives: Landon, Chairman, Esquibel, Hales, Hallinan, Harvey, Iekel, Lubnau, Millin and Steward

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