(subject to revision)


         Select Committee on Developmental/Intellectual Programs 

University of Wyoming Outreach Center

951 N. Poplar

Casper , Wyoming

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Wednesday, May 26


8:00 am           Call to Order; Approval of minutes.


8:05 am           Cost-based reimbursement issues2

•  Kevin Malm – measure of uncounted units of care; cost to cover uncounted units; means-tested cost sharing/co-pay program


9:00 am           Persons with dual diagnoses (developmental and mental health)1

•  WDH report on formation of working group

•  Bob Peck – sharing of funding across waivers

•  Chris Newman – combination of waivers per CMS

•  LSO – other states' solutions

•  Senator Landen – cross-education for providers of developmental and mental health services


10:30 am         Reimbursements to parents for DD services4

•  Chris Newman – reimbursable services per CMS

•  LSO – Other states' solutions; Wyoming statutory changes to authorize reimbursements to parents


11:15 am         Certification of service providers, time and resources 3, 5 – Chris Newman


12:00 noon      Lunch


1:30 pm           Service providers'  recommendations5, 6

•  Cost savings through system changes

o             Types of services offered

o             Paperwork reduction while maintaining quality assurance


2:30 pm           Protection and Advocacy5

•  Legality of parental co-pays with means testing for adult child with disability


3:00 pm           Public Comment


3:30 pm           Committee business: next meeting, assignment of tasks


Adjournment upon completion of committee business.


NOTE:  All times are approximate and subject to change.  Please be ready to testify early or plan to stay late.



References in Agenda are to the Following Statutorily Assigned Topics of the Select Committee:


1. Effects of dual diagnosis: budget, services, assessment, best practices, HCBW;

2. Fiscal viability of services providers after cost-based reimbursements;

3. New service delivery methods;

4. Parents' creation of business entity to plan child's services;

5. Service delivery system improvements;

6. Status of state-funded residential treatment providers.




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