File name: JAC Budget Hearings FY 13-14_20120118_080328.dcr Folder: C:\Documents and Settings\HAppropriations\Desktop\Recordings 6:48 ~ 1/18/2012 8:23:51 AM ~ Olmstead introduced his staff and had a hand out Our reduction last year came from vacancies and we were granted permission to use this money for our budget. We are asking for in this years budget. Gov has paired off a little but exceptions we are asking for are in the area of travel and training on pg 12. Gov has approved. We asked for additional money for computers and gfurniture and Gov has pared that down. We have two counties that we need to equalized expenses and we are doing a audit within those counties. We hold that money in reserve. We need $10,000 to do that and we would return it if it isn't used 11:58 ~ 1/18/2012 8:29:01 AM ~ Nicholas Who are the counties 12:11 ~ 1/18/2012 8:29:15 AM ~ Olmstead Johnson and Crook Two other counties that we are helping Uinta and Teton. 13:06 ~ 1/18/2012 8:30:09 AM ~ Nicholas: What is that problem Olmstead: Underassessment or....... 13:56 ~ 1/18/2012 8:30:59 AM ~ Olmstead: Teton goess from9.5 Commercial was under estimated 14:39 ~ 1/18/2012 8:31:43 AM ~ Berger: With the up grade and the training has that helped 15:08 ~ 1/18/2012 8:32:12 AM ~ Olmstead: I think the new system has helped. It has helped the assesors... with this next way and make uniformity among counties 16:14 ~ 1/18/2012 8:33:18 AM ~ Berger That helped with the reduction in appeals? 16:32 ~ 1/18/2012 8:33:35 AM ~ Olmstead: Our average has gone up 84 cases on our docctet We had 13 at the end of 2011 Oil and gass, evaluations... Seven cam in in Dec which pushed our cases up again 18:13 ~ 1/18/2012 8:35:16 AM ~ Nicholas: License and fee ...what department? 18:36 ~ 1/18/2012 8:35:39 AM ~ Olmstead:Revenue Dept. We will neeed to do training 19:48 ~ 1/18/2012 8:36:51 AM ~ Nicholas 2% and 5% cut. Small deptart is hard to cut Questions? Thank you 20:28 ~ 1/18/2012 8:37:31 AM ~ 22:27 ~ 1/18/2012 8:39:30 AM ~ University of Wyoming Agency hearing 22:53 ~ 1/18/2012 8:39:56 AM ~ Nicholas: Tom has the floor. 23:01 ~ 1/18/2012 8:40:05 AM ~ Buchanan: Introductions. UW is fiscal agent for distance educaton and enhanced oil recovery. Most states have reduced funding to Universities. In general, made up revenues on fee increases. Revenues per student have increased despite reduced state funding. Tuition and fees levied in most states. Effect is to drive up student debt. Nationally 100Billion. UW tuition has increased only 2 of last 5 years, at rate of less than 1/2 of abg growth nationally. Avoiding dilema of driving up student debt. 90 % of incoming freshman had Hathaway scholarships. Half of freshmen received financial aid. Avg debt is lower than elsewhere. Retention and graduation rates. Doing okay, goal to do better. Support offered to students who will struggle first year has helped with retention and graduation rates. UW supports Governor's recommendation. Case for matching funds. 367.4 million budget for 13/14 bieenium. Gov has rec. increase in GF, about 1.6% per year. Budget reductions of 2, 5 and 8 % . Proposed reductions in administrative and non academic through attrition then reduction in force, reduction in uw funded scholarship, non support personnel, academic personanel. 29:08 ~ 1/18/2012 8:46:11 AM ~ Buchanan: Pg 17 29:17 ~ 1/18/2012 8:46:21 AM ~ Vinzant: Recruiting and retaining staff, salary program is top priority in 13/14 budget request. Last increase in 2009. Multiple employee groups, compete with different groups of institutions. build on comparative data for each group. Faculty, comparison of 50 research based universities, OK State survey done every year. Data for administrators from annual national survey. Classified staff -are not existing data. Mercer Research group study to classify staff. Results of those three data groups to compile budget request. Two step approach: Move UW salaries to 91% of market average. If possible get us to 95% of market average. Goal over time is to get to 100%. Salary increase July 1, 2012, Governor supported moving to 91% but reduced value to 7.4 million. 2 million change recognizes in serieds 100 have 2 other fund sources. Principal source is tuition. All dollars received would be distributed on merit allocation. 33:47 ~ 1/18/2012 8:50:50 AM ~ Vinzant: Page 3 of Handout, Matrix. Row 7, $9,373,927 is needed to move to 91% 34:28 ~ 1/18/2012 8:51:31 AM ~ Nicholas: Every year ask for salries above $80,000. Each year for last 4 years, number of pages to represent those increases. Seeing pretty remarkable increases in top salaries. Number is growing and amount paid to top employees, many employees of executive branch employeed by your institution with pretty remarkable raises from what paid here in Cheyenne. Difficult to accept... 35:52 ~ 1/18/2012 8:52:55 AM ~ Buchanan: Most raises on faculty side. 4 reasons: 1. New hires, turnover of 5 to 7% instructional work force per year. Pay moer for replacement 2. Adjustment in salaries when their jobs change, ex up to department head or dean or shift from 9 month appt to 11 mo appt. 3. Trained junior faculty were lost to other institutions, make competitive retention offers to a limited number of faculty each year . Have been doing for last 6 - 8 years. 4. University regulatons one time mandatory increase when faculty are tenured and also when promoted to full professor. 38:48 ~ 1/18/2012 8:55:51 AM ~ Nicholas: Instances of health care packages, pension plans. 100 series equibalent will have changed through that. We do not see because of block grants how your salaries are actually growing. Provide 4 year summary of salry components institution wide to show total dollars change, break out between salaries and benefits. 39:46 ~ 1/18/2012 8:56:49 AM ~ Von Flatern;; # of employees also included? 39:57 ~ 1/18/2012 8:57:01 AM ~ Nicholas: FTE and categories also included. 4 reasons for salary increases accepted. You found the resources from within to do it. Part of what we expect from agencies. Within my district. You find increases for faculty, leave classified behind. Have you ignore the non classified staff? 41:16 ~ 1/18/2012 8:58:19 AM ~ Buchanan: Every 3 years classification of classified staff is reviewed, job description review. Supervisor signs document of changes in salary that that unit is responsible for identifying the source of funds for that increase. Volume somewhat less than on faculty side. 42:33 ~ 1/18/2012 8:59:37 AM ~ Pedersen: Spreadsheet pieces, include funding source for each salary increase. 42:51 ~ 1/18/2012 8:59:55 AM ~ Nicholas: Each time faculty member or broad basis? 43:06 ~ 1/18/2012 9:00:09 AM ~ Pedersen: Where piece is coming from, increasees over a period of time, only flexing 100 sereis or other places to draw from for salary increases. 43:44 ~ 1/18/2012 9:00:47 AM ~ Nicholas: Look at total salary, seperate benefits, identify in budgets if GF opposed to type 2 or 3 funds? 44:11 ~ 1/18/2012 9:01:14 AM ~ Vinzant: yes, budget index, annual operating budget, salries for groups identified within section 1, state funded, university support and.... Section 2 auxillary enterprises, grants and contracts like bookstore. Budgeted sepeerately 45:04 ~ 1/18/2012 9:02:07 AM ~ Nicholas: Component for student fees? 45:12 ~ 1/18/2012 9:02:16 AM ~ Vinzant: Tuition is in section 1. 45:23 ~ 1/18/2012 9:02:26 AM ~ Nicholas: ABle to track burden of tuition and change in time? 45:37 ~ 1/18/2012 9:02:41 AM ~ Vinzant: yes, show total salary base for section 1 .... 45:56 ~ 1/18/2012 9:02:59 AM ~ Nicholas: Do that, tracking for 5 years so what mix is, state, versus what is passed on to tuition. 46:18 ~ 1/18/2012 9:03:21 AM ~ Nicholas: 2,5,8% cuts talked about. Every dollar cut means a tuition increase does not sell well. Constitutional committment for tuition as low as possible. If revenues go down, belt tightening. 47:03 ~ 1/18/2012 9:04:06 AM ~ Buchanan: Not my intention to imply tuition increases were outcome of salary.. Identify the three resource stha exist that we have some ability to control. Board of trustee has had no conversation about tuition increases in last 5 years. 47:44 ~ 1/18/2012 9:04:48 AM ~ Nicholas: Discussion on salries, terminology correct? Faculty and staff, teaching and research staff. Classified staff are non teaching and non faculty, Two groups? 48:21 ~ 1/18/2012 9:05:24 AM ~ Vinzant: THose are two broad categoris, subgroups within 48:32 ~ 1/18/2012 9:05:35 AM ~ Nicholas: Classified staff salaries frozen for 4 years? 48:46 ~ 1/18/2012 9:05:49 AM ~ Buchanan: Salaries increased due to annual review 49:03 ~ 1/18/2012 9:06:07 AM ~ Nicholas: Mercer group? 49:09 ~ 1/18/2012 9:06:12 AM ~ Vinzant: Mercer is one of largest, most reputable firms specializing in market studies of salaries. Classifications and cost of moving salaries to the goals of 90, 95 and 100. Settled on 90 and 95 in budget request. Where we are now and what it cost to move to benchmark. 50:06 ~ 1/18/2012 9:07:09 AM ~ Nicholas: Hay group for uniform analysis? 50:22 ~ 1/18/2012 9:07:25 AM ~ Vinzant: No. Mercer has background of working with universities nationwide. They know higher and non higher eduication. 50:49 ~ 1/18/2012 9:07:52 AM ~ Nicholas: My concern is if Mercer is used for faculty and staff positions, when it come sto classified, they are on par with every other state institution. Janitors, plumbers, nurses. Looked at Hay studies, your salaries fared well when compare dto state salaries. If Mercer is saying, command a higher salary because of a local market. How do we know the results. Need to see the study. 52:02 ~ 1/18/2012 9:09:05 AM ~ Vinzant: output from study included in packet. Classified positions that are not different so use the same benchmark. Some positions are more related to research universities even within the classified. Identified and list 15 data sets. For every job, liste daminimum of 4 for comparison. mercer included a COLA. Wyoming has lower COLA than most states nationwide. 1% to 7.5% nationwide. Adjusted data to reflect Wyoming's lower cost of living. 53:33 ~ 1/18/2012 9:10:36 AM ~ Nicholas: Hay group, identify job responsibilites, some increases, some red line. Difficult to know if we are treating you fairly and consistently. Mercer group with respect to classified, sent to A&I. 54:23 ~ 1/18/2012 9:11:26 AM ~ Vinzant; Did not ask for review, sent over and shared during budget. Mercer and Hay studies: last time University was limited, will participate next time. t rying to disclose how calculations er emade. 55:10 ~ 1/18/2012 9:12:13 AM ~ Nicholas: Move state employees to merit pay, discussion of treating UW classified the same in respect to merit pay 55:42 ~ 1/18/2012 9:12:45 AM ~ Nicholas: Budget staff. Did A&I critique ? 56:09 ~ 1/18/2012 9:13:13 AM ~ LSO Staff: No we did not, can have H&R look at in next few days 56:24 ~ 1/18/2012 9:13:27 AM ~ Nicholas: Send to Hay group. 56:30 ~ 1/18/2012 9:13:33 AM ~ LSO Staff: Can do that, do not know if in time for markup 56:40 ~ 1/18/2012 9:13:43 AM ~ Buchanan: We don't have definitive numbers between numbers because of a conflict with other classes or classes available during certain days of the week. We do not slow students up to prevent them from graduating. 1:00:05 ~ 1/18/2012 9:17:09 AM ~ 1:00:07 ~ 1/18/2012 9:17:11 AM ~ Nicholas: We are 50 mill. underwater, the easy way is to strip out capital construction but that would cut out jobs If we through in 8% in 1:02:17 ~ 1/18/2012 9:19:21 AM ~ Buchanan: If it were 2% reduction through attrician. When we move to 5 & 8% it gets to be substantial 1:03:06 ~ 1/18/2012 9:20:09 AM ~ Nicholas If we force you to keep the line with last years budget we know that you take good care of your employees 1:04:39 ~ 1/18/2012 9:21:42 AM ~ Vinzant If there is a list of positions that you are talking about, we could get you that side by side comparison 1:05:24 ~ 1/18/2012 9:22:27 AM ~ Nicholas You have this matrix You are saying when you get this pot of money is that we will decide where to spend it. 1:06:19 ~ 1/18/2012 9:23:22 AM ~ Vinzant Not on the basis of any individual 1:06:39 ~ 1/18/2012 9:23:42 AM ~ Nicholas You have a facility member is making 100,000 + but CSU will pay me 200,000 but some times you just have to say, don't let the door hit you on the way out. 1:08:07 ~ 1/18/2012 9:25:10 AM ~ Buchanan The pool of recources is not univsally accessable. At the initial cut 3% for facaluty, 3% for staff. Facility cannot reach across the isle and touch the staff monies. 1:09:37 ~ 1/18/2012 9:26:41 AM ~ Nicholas I think we are on the same page. Is that staff shoulder to shoulder with those in Cheyenne. 1:10:44 ~ 1/18/2012 9:27:47 AM ~ Buchaanan: We do have some faculty who are very important key players to our program and we don't want to lose them 1:11:51 ~ 1/18/2012 9:28:54 AM ~ Richards Where are we getting that money fo fund those increases. Lost 2% of our work force. Page 19 of your handout. They are technically classified as 600 series not 100 series. 1:13:38 ~ 1/18/2012 9:30:41 AM ~ Nicholas Who aren't? 1:13:52 ~ 1/18/2012 9:30:55 AM ~ Richards Video are not Moving on to Base Funding Currently we are Div 3, The benefit of GWLA is...... If we receive our full request we will get addmission to GWLA 1:15:58 ~ 1/18/2012 9:33:01 AM ~ Vinzant 1:16:11 ~ 1/18/2012 9:33:15 AM ~ Vinzant I am going to concentrate my comments to that. Time on that comuper is extremely valuable. We need to work out the bugs before we get to the super computer. This is an update to our existing ...... When you have lots of data on a super computer it creates a lot of files. 1:18:35 ~ 1/18/2012 9:35:39 AM ~ Nicholas Giving that Gov pared it down. Did you pare it down for the super computer use or 1:19:30 ~ 1/18/2012 9:36:33 AM ~ Vinzant It's not the case that is would only benefit only a few people. We need to enhance the existing recources. I 1:20:27 ~ 1/18/2012 9:37:30 AM ~ Buchanan There will be upper level graduate students in labratory settings. The needs of the facalty members are similiar to that of the grad. students 1:22:09 ~ 1/18/2012 9:39:12 AM ~ Berger You would be using an outside Vendor 1:22:38 ~ 1/18/2012 9:39:42 AM ~ Buchanan We have reallocatted 15 positions across campus for students who want to use or have access to the super computer. We have been gathering expertise so that when 1:24:18 ~ 1/18/2012 9:41:21 AM ~ Richards Page 25 Natural Gas$300,000 towards a natural gas fueling station. 19 fleet vehicles This is all or nothing either a station and no cars or visa versa This will be a fast fill station 1:26:22 ~ 1/18/2012 9:43:26 AM ~ Nicholas We decided to push these facility towards the private sector. What's your plan. Available only to your folks 1:27:29 ~ 1/18/2012 9:44:32 AM ~ Richards UW and partners We do not want to be in compatition. 1:28:29 ~ 1/18/2012 9:45:32 AM ~ Nicholas I think there are a couple of business's 1:28:51 ~ 1/18/2012 9:45:54 AM ~ Richards We have visitied in ...... County for school bus's 1:29:28 ~ 1/18/2012 9:46:31 AM ~ Nicholas Riverton public, Sublette private Wy. fiims manufactured in Wyoming? 1:30:23 ~ 1/18/2012 9:47:26 AM ~ Richard The compressor, I don't know T 1:30:44 ~ 1/18/2012 9:47:47 AM ~ Nicholas See if the private sector has even tried. 1:31:13 ~ 1/18/2012 9:48:16 AM ~ Von Flatern Is the $300,000 included 1:31:32 ~ 1/18/2012 9:48:35 AM ~ Richards 1 mill in public funds, 300,000 in CNG funds. We worked with them on this budget and gave us $300,000 cash. 1:33:04 ~ 1/18/2012 9:50:07 AM ~ Buchanan So far Cantana came to us, we have not 1:33:47 ~ 1/18/2012 9:50:51 AM ~ Wallis I am having trouble seeing that we are not in compitition with other industries 1:34:42 ~ 1/18/2012 9:51:46 AM ~ Buchanan Avg. 2.5 years to break even from the conversion 1:35:28 ~ 1/18/2012 9:52:31 AM ~ Nicholas Look at dry gas prices. We should look at a long lasting market for natural gas. On the other had our imports of wet oil, this is the direction we want to go. I think what some of our Wyoming vendors is just being viably. I know some of you consti 1:38:16 ~ 1/18/2012 9:55:19 AM ~ Wallis What troubles me, take it down to the local level . I'm looking for a way that gives the little guy a shot at this. 1:39:44 ~ 1/18/2012 9:56:47 AM ~ Nicholas There has to be a market out there for this product. I don't know if we are interested building an inside the fence unit. 1:41:06 ~ 1/18/2012 9:58:09 AM ~ Peterson The simple thing is, there is not market out there yet for natural gas. There is no money in this right now, no demand. 1:42:09 ~ 1/18/2012 9:59:12 AM ~ Nicholas You need to provide us a better plan. Go to those folks in 1:43:12 ~ 1/18/2012 10:00:15 AM ~ Steward Clariffication Page 26 Is this profiled in AML funds. How is this request profiled. 1:44:20 ~ 1/18/2012 10:01:23 AM ~ Nicholas They don't profile in this 1:44:43 ~ 1/18/2012 10:01:46 AM ~ Richards This is off budgett funding sources. 1:45:09 ~ 1/18/2012 10:02:12 AM ~ Nicholas We need to have a strong understanding of that before we go into markup. The new dollars, the gov recs, 1:46:12 ~ 1/18/2012 10:03:16 AM ~ Steward Where is the spending authority 1:46:31 ~ 1/18/2012 10:03:34 AM ~ Nicholas If they go to..... Lets take a break. 1:47:01 ~ 1/18/2012 10:41:06 AM ~ Nicholas:... 1:47:10 ~ 1/18/2012 10:41:15 AM ~ Mai I passed it all out. You have it all on your thumb drive. I wanted to distance myself from the stafff in UW colors 1:48:19 ~ 1/18/2012 10:42:24 AM ~ Nicholas: We are under water by 50 million so we have gone out to agencies for % cuts. We have 108 million increases that are built into the Gov recommendations. Our standard budget is increased ..... We are lookinmg at 1008 million increase and we may get with the tech people.... If we tell people to live within their budget.....We might make it through and if we take money out of other agencies we might do it. We might do 4% first year and 4% the next year. We can't increase a budget and then ask them for the cut. Hold budgets where they are and then cut them Staff take the 100 plus budget and not give any raises except the tech part. Flat line folks and then watch gas prices the next two years. We could cut 4% next year.Making it work in your budget is easier than 4% cut each year. If gas prices go up, we'll be okay but if they gio down, then we really have to cut. We will have to deal withi this. There was some interest in taking A&L out of the highway budget and use thoses. 1:58:15 ~ 1/18/2012 10:52:20 AM ~ VonFlatern A&L money.... 1:58:40 ~ 1/18/2012 10:52:46 AM ~ Nicholas: Can we hold health where they are or give them the increase and then give them a 6-8% cut They are living now with their budget. What we will fight over is the AML 2:00:47 ~ 1/18/2012 10:54:52 AM ~ Esquibel... 2:00:57 ~ 1/18/2012 10:55:03 AM ~ Nicholas: JAC may have to come up with money to pay for school capitol construction. In the 90's when we had to pay for education which is our first commimentment If we loose more money ... rainy day accounts...Budget in 2005 was really a good year. But this year hasn't been. Bill says dry gas will be under $2 this year and that is a concerrn. 2:04:13 ~ 1/18/2012 10:58:18 AM ~ Steward: The amount we got this year or .... Perhaps AML is not the only place to take money.. 2:05:23 ~ 1/18/2012 10:59:28 AM ~ Harshman: Wages for community colleges ... 2:05:54 ~ 1/18/2012 10:59:59 AM ~ Nicholas: Information is on sheet that was handed out. 2:06:45 ~ 1/18/2012 11:00:50 AM ~ Harshman: I thought that money could be used for other things and not just highways 2:07:18 ~ 1/18/2012 11:01:24 AM ~ We are two days away from mark up Don are you the best person to provide us with information... 2:07:56 ~ 1/18/2012 11:02:01 AM ~ Richards: We have ..82.7million 41... other purposes 41.5 2:08:53 ~ 1/18/2012 11:02:58 AM ~ Nicholas: House Majority wants.... 2:09:20 ~ 1/18/2012 11:03:25 AM ~ Nichalos Danbury is using .... Market rates for CO2 Storage ...... How do we continue carbon seq.. study that we could use 2:10:52 ~ 1/18/2012 11:04:57 AM ~ Von Flatern: We'll see a proposal so not all that money will be available 2:11:42 ~ 1/18/2012 11:05:47 AM ~ Richards: 800million in... 5.2 funds clean coal ome funds returned because .... 2:13:12 ~ 1/18/2012 11:07:17 AM ~ 2:13:21 ~ 1/18/2012 11:07:26 AM ~ Richards General Electric Project 44.3 2:14:17 ~ 1/18/2012 11:08:22 AM ~ GE did not call on that money but Gov wants that money held 2:14:48 ~ 1/18/2012 11:08:53 AM ~ Richards: Don't talk about other budgets gut .... road expansion Carbon County 2:15:32 ~ 1/18/2012 11:09:37 AM ~ Nicholas: They may still need that money as they think they are stiill on track 2:16:07 ~ 1/18/2012 11:10:13 AM ~ Steward: Maybe repurpose this money for .... Educational component ..... 2:17:12 ~ 1/18/2012 11:11:18 AM ~ Nicholas: DKRW said they would be prepared to let UW.... since GE has withdrawn from the project. There are 4 requests are moving forward 2:18:47 ~ 1/18/2012 11:12:52 AM ~ Buchanan Your information is correct DKRW and UW have discussed a research project.... GE project was really focused on Powder River Coal The DKWR project was Hann coal 2:20:50 ~ 1/18/2012 11:14:55 AM ~ Steward This partnership .... This project would be a strong public benefit 2:22:06 ~ 1/18/2012 11:16:11 AM ~ Nicholas: SER expanson.... Projects are being worked on in the minerals. These may not be consistant. Looking at liquids.. The UW still be a part of this Look at this on the week-end. More information coming Don, what do you want to add? 2:25:00 ~ 1/18/2012 11:19:05 AM ~ Richards: Gov has directed funds to other areas and not UW 2:25:49 ~ 1/18/2012 11:19:54 AM ~ Nicholas: AML $$$$ will be gone so we will have to figure a way to make that money up If that $ went away today we'd be 70 million, not 50 million under water. 2:27:14 ~ 1/18/2012 11:21:19 AM ~ Richards Pg 44 SER Budget $! million AML funds 2:28:19 ~ 1/18/2012 11:22:24 AM ~ Nicholas: Research capcity 2:29:12 ~ 1/18/2012 11:23:17 AM ~ Buchannan: Will augment 2:29:17 ~ 1/18/2012 11:23:22 AM ~ Nicholas: lab space 2:29:29 ~ 1/18/2012 11:23:34 AM ~ Buchanan: yes, some reassigned already 2:29:40 ~ 1/18/2012 11:23:45 AM ~ Richards: Handoutm key matrix accomplished in firs six years,..leveraged oprivate giving, conferences for technology transfer... 20.4 million of Gov rec for repurposing .; 10 million , energy partners, key areas of reserach, enhanced oil and drilling, Second part of plan for advanced conversion technology, gasification....Integration with industry, research partnership, hands on instruction for studetns that 10 million; 2:32:17 ~ 1/18/2012 11:26:22 AM ~ Second 10 million in matching funds, in conversation he said to increase it, industry, half of 15 million committed in Feb if legislature provides matching funds. 2:33:11 ~ 1/18/2012 11:27:16 AM ~ Richards: 1 million must be matched, carbon sequestration, continue research in storage sites, Green River basis, provide an insurance policy . Wyo is in lead on this. Research team would continue progress and maintain momentum. Compare to UW eliminating the petroleum engineering program, took a long time to rebuild. Could lose expertise in sequestration. 2:34:34 ~ 1/18/2012 11:28:39 AM ~ Nicholas: pg 44, 1 million 2:34:40 ~ 1/18/2012 11:28:46 AM ~ Richards: (v) 2:34:50 ~ 1/18/2012 11:28:55 AM ~ Nicholas: Championed by state geologist in past, now wokrs for UW? 2:35:39 ~ 1/18/2012 11:29:44 AM ~ Richards: Yes, info in handout 2:35:48 ~ 1/18/2012 11:29:53 AM ~ Nichola: ...What did he have in mind? 2:35:56 ~ 1/18/2012 11:30:01 AM ~ Richards: he and team provided plan to joint minerals committee. He has developed an alternative to sequester water, prove out commercial. 2:36:32 ~ 1/18/2012 11:30:37 AM ~ Nicholas: Use water and lesser amount of CO2 2:36:44 ~ 1/18/2012 11:30:49 AM ~ Richards: would not inject any CO 2 in his model. 2:36:59 ~ 1/18/2012 11:31:04 AM ~ Nicholas: Discussion with teh EPA? They said no? 2:37:13 ~ 1/18/2012 11:31:19 AM ~ Richards: Department of Energy, not EPA, appropriate modaling. scientific and policy dispute in that area. Fedral funds, research proven by water, research proven by CO2. 2:37:53 ~ 1/18/2012 11:31:58 AM ~ Nicholas: 1 million, well temporarily plugged and continue reaserach, computer modeling 2:38:10 ~ 1/18/2012 11:32:15 AM ~ Richards: ONe more alternative WYCIUSP phase II, 5 million over 5 years to investigate enhanced oil recovery and natural storage sites in wyoming . That proposal did not gain traction. 2:39:05 ~ 1/18/2012 11:33:10 AM ~ Nicholas: Find ohter geological CO2, 2:39:19 ~ 1/18/2012 11:33:24 AM ~ Richards: Identify storage site for liquid CO2, to be used later for enhjnced oil recovery 2:39:43 ~ 1/18/2012 11:33:48 AM ~ Steward: What will be done with the 1 million? Richards: No wter or CO2 pumped, not a stewide effort. Limited to Grenn Water bsin to characterize storage sites and identify naturally occuring sites 2:40:30 ~ 1/18/2012 11:34:35 AM ~ Nicholas: Coal Companies - no out of pocket contributions?d 2:40:53 ~ 1/18/2012 11:34:59 AM ~ Buchanan: Correct 2:40:58 ~ 1/18/2012 11:35:03 AM ~ Nicholas: Lobbying coal companies, responses for not participating? 2:41:11 ~ 1/18/2012 11:35:17 AM ~ Buchanan: 2:41:20 ~ 1/18/2012 11:35:25 AM ~ Nicholas: Coal lobbying legislators to continue but no financial resources. 2:41:43 ~ 1/18/2012 11:35:48 AM ~ Wallis: I have not been lobbied by coal companies to continue this, notice lack of coal study at university, larege wy industry. Should industry be doing more? 2:42:28 ~ 1/18/2012 11:36:33 AM ~ Buchanan: My opinion: Challenges for characterizing environmnet has to do with lack of energy policy with regard to coal, difficult to convince investors to get on board with coal initiatives, couple with economic value of CO@. Those two factors put us inthe positon we are in today. 2:43:29 ~ 1/18/2012 11:37:34 AM ~ Richards: Reappropriation of AML funds. 2 million for CO2 pipline permitting process across federal lands, led by Wy Pipeline authorith with SER and EOR institute, Big Horn Basis. Link sources of CO2 . Pg 55 packet is one page summary of project. 2:44:47 ~ 1/18/2012 11:38:52 AM ~ Nicholas: DQW contract, sell their CO2 to Danbury, we can not get CO2 for coal reserach but resources to advance on pipeline project. Increase capacity to put it into MT or the Balkans, transport out of state, not taxed until produces oil 2:45:45 ~ 1/18/2012 11:39:50 AM ~ Richards: T obenefit Wyoming producers and industry to produce CO2 within state. 2:46:04 ~ 1/18/2012 11:40:09 AM ~ Nicholas: Senator Bebout back on Friday? specific language 2:46:19 ~ 1/18/2012 11:40:24 AM ~ Bebout: Will be here Friday. 2:46:25 ~ 1/18/2012 11:40:30 AM ~ Nicholas: ... 2:46:35 ~ 1/18/2012 11:40:40 AM ~ Bebout 2:46:39 ~ 1/18/2012 11:40:44 AM ~ Richards: Gov rec: Natural gas fleet vwehicle and filling station, 1 million out of repurposed funds. Repurposing of AML fund sfor Level II planning for UW Engineering Building . 2:47:25 ~ 1/18/2012 11:41:30 AM ~ Nicholas: Bottom of page 44 2:47:34 ~ 1/18/2012 11:41:39 AM ~ Richards: yes, advanced drilling technology, 2:47:49 ~ 1/18/2012 11:41:54 AM ~ Nicholas: involvement in promoting gas to liquied? 2:48:02 ~ 1/18/2012 11:42:07 AM ~ Richards: that is part of it 2:48:08 ~ 1/18/2012 11:42:13 AM ~ Nicholas: Gov Freudenthal worked on matching? 2:48:19 ~ 1/18/2012 11:42:24 AM ~ Richards: yes, and Gov. Mead. 2:48:29 ~ 1/18/2012 11:42:34 AM ~ Nicholas: Amount higher before/ 2:48:37 ~ 1/18/2012 11:42:42 AM ~ Richards: Been 10, talk of higher 2:48:49 ~ 1/18/2012 11:42:55 AM ~ Nicholas: Plan of using 20? 2:48:57 ~ 1/18/2012 11:43:02 AM ~ Richards: yes, 5 year plan, somewhat directed by contributors, consisten with UW 5 yr plan 2:49:14 ~ 1/18/2012 11:43:19 AM ~ Nicholas: Handout 2:49:19 ~ 1/18/2012 11:43:24 AM ~ Richards: yes, page 35 of your handout, goes into detail. 2:49:28 ~ 1/18/2012 11:43:33 AM ~ Nicholas: 2:49:42 ~ 1/18/2012 11:43:47 AM ~ Richards: Close AML discussion: Page 75 of handout, Drafted a sectin 300 to acomplish the appropriation and reappropration. 2:50:19 ~ 1/18/2012 11:44:24 AM ~ Nicholas: Word document sent to Gruver? 2:50:28 ~ 1/18/2012 11:44:34 AM ~ Richards: have not 2:50:32 ~ 1/18/2012 11:44:37 AM ~ Nicholas: Send it. 2:50:39 ~ 1/18/2012 11:44:45 AM ~ Richards: page 25 of the budget and page 25 of the handout, only area we depart from Gov rec. 29 million per bieenium appropriation in matching funds, doubling of money with matching. pg 27 of handout, explicit menu of matching options. In 2007 legislature approved matching funds only for explicit programs. Language contingent on matching. biology endowed professors; Gillete enhanced presence; Sheridan AG facility. The list goes beyond available funds. Gov's wife had given time in area of literacy. Fully matched. Athletics facility loan paid off. 2:52:59 ~ 1/18/2012 11:47:04 AM ~ Nicholas; Time when we have resources, great to .. 2:53:17 ~ 1/18/2012 11:47:22 AM ~ Nicholas: limited resources, you would go get your own funding, saying will only to the project if we get funding shows priority 2:53:57 ~ 1/18/2012 11:48:02 AM ~ Buchanan: Brucellosis Handout page 29 or budget page 33, We asked 400,000 for biennium for research. Gov rec 200,000. Bring researchers together to meet to devleop vacine. One meeting or two depending on the funding 2:55:30 ~ 1/18/2012 11:49:36 AM ~ Nicholas: Cuts from agencies, flatline budgets, What makes this project so important to say great in good year, not in harsh year? 2:56:05 ~ 1/18/2012 11:50:10 AM ~ Buchanan: Maintaining momentum on brucellosis and having Wyoming take the lead. Sense of priority not amongest highest but valuable to maintain. 2:56:53 ~ 1/18/2012 11:50:58 AM ~ Richards: Skip distance learning and video conferencing, can visit with you after our presentation. UW is fiscal agent Page 48 NCAR - super computing center. Bldg is completed at around 70 millin. NFS will pick up cost of computers. State signed MOU to provide 1 million per year for next 20 years. Because of delays UW has only had 1 million per biennium instead of yearly. Asking for full funding for that MOU. 2:59:00 ~ 1/18/2012 11:53:05 AM ~ Richards: Capital construction page: performing arts level III 2:59:12 ~ 1/18/2012 11:53:17 AM ~ Vinzant: pg 61 of packet and 57 in budget. Deficiencies in building and needed space.. First part completed. Second part is to renovate and expand. 2.4 million for level II, repurpose and reconfigure existing buidling, add 59,100 sq ft of space needed, not in renovation. Last paragrpah and secnod paragrpah in packet. Issues of accrediation in music department. Gov set aside 50 millin in support of performing arts, Half acre and resource center. Proposal to move forward with renovation for about 15 million, would leave new space out of project. 3:02:06 ~ 1/18/2012 11:56:12 AM ~ Nicholas: Facility walk through, area vacated by fine arts move, old space, Ex: Engineering college, sawtooth building, Much of facilities are older than fine arts building. Routine maitenance higher level for other buildings than fine arts. Different levels of routine maintenance on campus? 3:03:48 ~ 1/18/2012 11:57:53 AM ~ Buchanana: Fine arts have outgrown existing facility and video arts, Necessity for expanded or new space, significant work to occur in that building, some has not taken place because it does not qualify under definition of major maintenance. Not aware of reason for lack of painting 3:04:48 ~ 1/18/2012 11:58:54 AM ~ Nicholas: 5 yrs ago what was priority, enegery before or after performing arts? 3:05:04 ~ 1/18/2012 11:59:09 AM ~ Buchanan: Conversations with administration about capital construction. Engineering in all discussion, likely to be largest cap con project in history of university. .Next year defined plan, 3:06:26 ~ 1/18/2012 12:00:31 PM ~ Nicholas: Ballpark figure? 3:06:38 ~ 1/18/2012 12:00:43 PM ~ Buchanan: 75 to 80 million. 3:06:52 ~ 1/18/2012 12:00:57 PM ~ Nicholas: Who decides 5 or 10 millino renovation? 3:07:21 ~ 1/18/2012 12:01:26 PM ~ Buchanan: UW Board of trustees; I have a hand in discussion. Roughly half of dollars are in rehab and renovatin, half in expansion. 3:08:02 ~ 1/18/2012 12:02:07 PM ~ Nicholas: Decision that exterior of building woudl be wyo stone or limestone, not adhered to with fine arts. Who deides exterior and campus wide policy? 3:08:31 ~ 1/18/2012 12:02:37 PM ~ Buchanan: Do not have campus wide policy for interior or exterior. Unwritten policy for native sandstone. You are referring to back side which has cast concrete, on the norht side. 3:09:10 ~ 1/18/2012 12:03:15 PM ~ Nicholas: SER bldg, STEM bldg. What on exterior? 3:09:26 ~ 1/18/2012 12:03:32 PM ~ Buchanan: Same architectural style as last 6 to 8 years. EXL Classroom building, some of exterior native stone but not 100% 3:09:56 ~ 1/18/2012 12:04:01 PM ~ Steward: Supporter of theater and dance, premier in nation for vertical dance. Govs rec: INcorporated some possible funding, 15 million you talked about. Explain 3:10:40 ~ 1/18/2012 12:04:45 PM ~ Buchanan: Costs associated with performing arts. Two major components to performing arts complex, one is renovation and rehabiitation left behind by visual arts. part 2 is expansion of existing facility, including large lecture hall and performance space to maintain accrediation with National Association. Design for 100 years, some anticipation of today's needs and later needs. Enrollment in arts has quadrupled. Eliminated Masters, offers only Baccalaureate. Focused programs. Vertical dance per se has not driven much of discussion. Fine dance program of which vertical is a part has driven discussin. 3:13:18 ~ 1/18/2012 12:07:23 PM ~ Nicholas: Visual arts will never look 3:13:45 ~ 1/18/2012 12:07:50 PM ~ Vinzant: White Hall Level III funds, last in series of renovations. 4 millin in cahs rserve from auxillary, 10 millin in revenue bonds. SBC and Governor recommended approval. 3:14:35 ~ 1/18/2012 12:08:41 PM ~ Nicholas: Room rates? 3:14:43 ~ 1/18/2012 12:08:48 PM ~ Vinzant: Will not materially alter existing the rate plan at this point. 3:14:56 ~ 1/18/2012 12:09:02 PM ~ Nicholas: Room rates compared to other universities and private entitites. 3:15:13 ~ 1/18/2012 12:09:18 PM ~ Vinzant: middle 3:15:20 ~ 1/18/2012 12:09:25 PM ~ Nicholas: Cost of one semester in dorm 3:15:32 ~ 1/18/2012 12:09:37 PM ~ Vinzant: Do not know, ask for authorization to be immediate so work can be started, bonds sold in early May, do some final work in Level III, consturction in June or July 3:16:12 ~ 1/18/2012 12:10:17 PM ~ Richards: 4400 per semester for rent and meals. 3:16:33 ~ 1/18/2012 12:10:38 PM ~ Vinzant: Cap Con: page 65 of packet, page 70 of budget , 15 million for long range plan improvements and 15 million for infrastructure. SBC recommended 6 million, Gov reduced to 5 million. If we receive 5 million first address infrastructure in NE of campus, BRE STEM facility 3:17:57 ~ 1/18/2012 12:12:02 PM ~ Meier: STEM facility, not most reliable STEM 3:18:23 ~ 1/18/2012 12:12:28 PM ~ Vinzant: For last 10 years trying to optimize energy across campus than individual building, large physcial plant, need electrical nad infrastructure work. 3:19:02 ~ 1/18/2012 12:13:07 PM ~ Meier: Steam system design with multiple boilers if one goes down, built in redundancy. 3:19:19 ~ 1/18/2012 12:13:24 PM ~ Vinzant: Have begun to do, buy additional boiler. 3:19:39 ~ 1/18/2012 12:13:44 PM ~ Nicholas: NW quadrant. STEM building, improvements: Reached agreement with city of laramie for vacating of Lewis St, held hostage? 3:20:18 ~ 1/18/2012 12:14:23 PM ~ Richards: Council approved resolution to vacate, adopted a licensing agreement , 3:20:52 ~ 1/18/2012 12:14:57 PM ~ Nicholas: Vacate takes time, surface. Will vacate without compensatin? 3:21:14 ~ 1/18/2012 12:15:19 PM ~ Richards: yes, no compensation. Other items like esements for utility and transportaton corridors. 3:21:49 ~ 1/18/2012 12:15:54 PM ~ Nicholas: Control of surface of road? 3:22:02 ~ 1/18/2012 12:16:07 PM ~ Richards: Effective when signed by President Buchanan, possibly this week Nicholas ? 3:22:32 ~ 1/18/2012 12:16:38 PM ~ Richards: for city water and sewer were primary coridors. 3:22:58 ~ 1/18/2012 12:17:03 PM ~ Nicholas? 3:23:02 ~ 1/18/2012 12:17:07 PM ~ Vinzent: For steam to STEM building, 3:23:10 ~ 1/18/2012 12:17:15 PM ~ Richards: asked for money for overhead lines, denied. 3:23:23 ~ 1/18/2012 12:17:28 PM ~ Vinzant: Item 3 on page 67, in UW budget, would have been part of 15 million requested for infrastructure improvement 3:23:56 ~ 1/18/2012 12:18:01 PM ~ Nicholas: Plan to bury lines? 3:24:05 ~ 1/18/2012 12:18:10 PM ~ Vinzant: would like to as we are building the STEM facility. 3:24:18 ~ 1/18/2012 12:18:23 PM ~ Nicholas: question of proceeds used for, tell us in next 2 days. 3:24:31 ~ 1/18/2012 12:18:36 PM ~ Von Flatern: Is agreement with city contingent on acquiring all other properties? 3:24:54 ~ 1/18/2012 12:18:59 PM ~ Richards: Budget footnote allows vacating in stages. 9th and 11th immmediately, phase up as we acquire properties. 3:25:18 ~ 1/18/2012 12:19:23 PM ~ Richards: Half acre recreation facility pg 76 of budget, Tobin and Associate , Not a core academic facility, resolution for $60 fee per studnet per facility. UW requesting 10 million to supplement the fees. Facility well used. Not supported explicitly by SBC. Gov rec. 3:27:11 ~ 1/18/2012 12:21:16 PM ~ Pedersen: Highest used building on campus 3:27:24 ~ 1/18/2012 12:21:29 PM ~ Richards: yes, recreation and limited academic uses. 3:27:39 ~ 1/18/2012 12:21:44 PM ~ Pedersen: Negative news, a carbon sink, or agenda, people who pay FMR or give donations. Would you be opposed to put in a piece of the murals we have in house and senate and ...reflect history of wyoming? 3:28:49 ~ 1/18/2012 12:22:54 PM ~ Buchanan: Delighted to do that. 3:28:57 ~ 1/18/2012 12:23:02 PM ~ Meier: Increase capacity of basketball courses? 3:29:10 ~ 1/18/2012 12:23:15 PM ~ Vinzant: Significant renovation of facility and expansion of building to the east of the building. Aquatic center in building, access to pool would be easier, same level entry. 3:30:26 ~ 1/18/2012 12:24:31 PM ~ Nicholas: next item 3:30:31 ~ 1/18/2012 12:24:36 PM ~ Vinzant: pg 81 budget 3:30:49 ~ 1/18/2012 12:24:54 PM ~ Nicholas: Engineering dollars. What is difference in yorus and Gov's rec? 3:31:05 ~ 1/18/2012 12:25:10 PM ~ Vinzant: We req. 1.2 millin. Old facility need sign. repurposing, need space. Education use and research space . More cost effective to renovate or to raze it, costly set of evaluationa. 3:32:53 ~ 1/18/2012 12:26:59 PM ~ Vinzant We are doing everything possible to use in state engineers 3:33:30 ~ 1/18/2012 12:27:35 PM ~ Berger Location of the site 3:33:47 ~ 1/18/2012 12:27:52 PM ~ Vinzant When you go into an old building there are so many 3:34:28 ~ 1/18/2012 12:28:33 PM ~ Nicholas Classroom facilities We will close this out and we will be back at 1:30 p.m. The order in which you want to use it is up to you.